I made a new logo

  1. 8 years ago

    What do you think?

  2. It works awesome with the black background!
    I think is pretty cool! Well done

  3. That's cool, what did you use to make it?

  4. @HaloNest Looks like Photoshop, maybe GIMP.

  5. Could be

  6. I hated using gimp omf

  7. I just used apple preview lol

  8. If this was a design critique, I would say ....

    Good use of negative space with the hour glass.
    The horizontal lines feel like they should be thicker or otherwise fit better in with the other lines.
    You should consider whether the logo can stand on it's own or only works because of the text.

  9. The logo can stand on it's own

  10. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    On it's own it is just the Haxington logo, but when you add the word "Tech" to it, it stands for HaxTech (HaxTech is a fictional company owned by a fictional corporation called Haxington Industries. I had to make this for my web design class: haxtechsite.wordpress.com )

  11. Edited 8 years ago by HaloNest



  12. Cool Logos! What did you use to make them?

  13. pencil

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