I would like to begin this post by acknowledging that this policy would indeed give staff more work, but I believe that it would do more good than harm in the long run and that it should at least be given a shot.
CraftyMynes has a very strict anti hacker/cheater policy, and for good reason too. Were it not for this policy, the server would be in chaos. If someone cheats or hacks they are banned without being given a second chance. Most players that get banned due to this ask for forgiveness without really being sorry for their actions. If these players were to be unbanned they would just continue hacking or cheating and get themselves banned again. However, there are also those players who are truly sorry for their actions and just wish to be given a second chance so that they may prove that they have changed. These players are also denied no matter how sincere their apologies may be.
Here is my idea.
I propose to enact a two strike banning policy in the server. If someone gets caught hacking or cheating once, they are banned and are given a second chance only if they appeal and their appeal is deemed sincere by staff. If the appeal passes the staff's judgement, the player gets unbanned and is put on a sort of watchlist. If they prove that they do not hack or cheat any more for a certain period of time, they are then treated as normal players again. If this previously banned player were to hack or cheat again, they would then be permanently banned and all their future appeals would be denied.
Strike one, you get a second chance
Strike two, you're out