what would you do if

  1. 8 years ago

    you bought a can of soda at a shady convenience store and inside you find not soda

    but a miniature universe
    it comes with a little instruction manual on how to operate it as well as a pair of tweezers

    what would you do with the universe inside the can?

  2. so many possibilities

  3. Do as he did leave it on a counter and never touch it again.

  4. he?

  5. argon she means god. Personally I woud buy 5 shake one up mix them around tell my friend to open one and hope he gets sucked into a vortex.

  6. Make that universe listen to my mixtape and watch it burn.
    Is this joke getting old now?

  7. yes

  8. I would rip the top off of the can and put all of the planets under a microscope and then observe what the people do on what ever planet had life on and then hang all of the other planets on my bedroom sceling i could look at the stars all night xD

  9. I would find a way to communicate with any sentient life there, and learn about them. Perhaps together we can find answers to each of our universe's problems.

  10. @sovietsuperman I would find a way to communicate with any sentient life there, and learn about them. Perhaps together we can find answers to each of our universe's problems.

    soviet just described the plot of Horton hears a who.

  11. Or I'd convince them I was God and have fun with it.

    *in sexy deep voice* Bring God snacks beyond snacks for it is thy purpose!

  12. xD wtf

  13. I'd drink it :P Lol "Welp time to enjoy my soda *opens* Wait wtf ?? Oh well *drinks*"

  14. I would ask for a refund lol

  15. I'd question how such a thing can exist within the currently understood laws of physics :P

  16. At first id be pissed off that i didnt get the soda i paid for, then id probably sell it to a science lab and buy another soda

  17. @Chips_The_Gamer I'd drink it :P Lol "Welp time to enjoy my soda *opens* Wait wtf ?? Oh well *drinks*"

    And then Chips accidentally opens up all the gravity waves contained in the can, and everyone dies..

  18. Meh :P

  19. I want whatever you guys are smoking, please. :D

  20. @mightymyntz Well I do live in colorado....

  21. Newer ›

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