Soviet's Art Challenge 2.0

  1. 8 years ago

    As you can see, I have some spare diamond to give away, so I'll offer a stack of db to anyone who wins this Art Competition. Last time the subject was me, this time the subject is going to be you! Draw your minecraft avatar as creatively as possible! Bonus points for adding backgrounds and base mates (If you have any) Begin!

  2. When does the competition end?

  3. I might join this.

  4. me too

  5. I'll try :P

  6. I might give it ago >.<

  7. I will try

  8. Too lazy, GL everyone else

  9. So i'm just drawing my own mc character?

  10. @Silver_Ninja05 So i'm just drawing my own mc character?

    *gasps* fINALLY DAMN

  11. @bananaqueen1 the competition ends when someone wins lol

    @Silver_Ninja05 Yes, you draw your character, but the more creative you get with it (Adding backgrounds, making cool poses, ect.) will help you win

  12. I actually have a good idea in mind for this unfortunately i lack the skill to draw it well ;-;

  13. Are certain members "excluded"


  14. @Pimpcy No, everyone can be involved if they want to be

  15. Edited 8 years ago by Pimpcy

    @SovietSuperman_ @Pimpcy No, everyone can be involved if they want to be

    I'll see wat I can do

  16. Edited 8 years ago by MisterReco

    Ok, I have no chance against Pimpcy

  17. have a homemade meme while we wait for the drawings...

  18. You'd be surprised how many art competitions I've lost vs people with different skill levels in where the effort matters

    I think this plays a same role :pp

  19. I'm not competing but...


  20. So I finished my entry, I tried to make it as cartoony looking as possible, I don't think it turned out all that well. Pretty unhappy with the way the wings and claws turned out, then again I did draw this pretty late at night and wasn't really thinking xD Oh well, it's for fun anyways :D If you can't tell, it's an enderdragon fight. Didn't use any online programs to draw, honestly think I do a lot better on paper.

  21. Newer ›

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