My recent absence

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi, everyone! I have been absent from the server entirely for the last few weeks; you might say I dropped off the face of the map. :P This was both due to life circumstances and the fact that I was finishing the map my friend and I have been working on for 6 months. While this map was a huge success (DanTDM played it!!!), life circumstances will still hinder me from playing CraftyMynes as frequently as I have in the past.

    So, while I am still a part of the community and the faction I have led called the Melon Masters, I hereby appoint AttackTeam as acting leader of the Melon Masters during my almost-absence from the server. Feel free to tell him if you see him in-game, as I don't believe he frequents the forums very often.

    You guys are awesome, and I'll be back to play here and there. :) Stay cool!
    -MagicalMapmaker of the Melon Masters

  2. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    Hey! Life gets us all at some point you know... you won't miss anything though! Happy new year!

  3. ok

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