Slimes are not spawning

  1. 8 years ago

    If i have to I can go into lengthy explanation about the 3 experiments that I have done, but in short slimes are not spawning. I have seen 2, and only in slime chunks in 10 million ticks. I have yet to see 1 in a swamp.

    We need a villager that trades 1 emmy for 1 slime ball at spawn.

  2. Try going in the swamp on the full moon.

  3. ^, i can ensure you slimes do spawn

  4. Well if this is going to be the response then I guess I will do the TLDR. I have done 3 lengthy experiments, and talked to other player. You may have seen a few, but thier spawn rate is below even magma cubes.

  5. Build an auto slime farm and there's no probs

  6. @HaloNest Build an auto slime farm and there's no probs

    Haven't seen these work but I want to make one

  7. Edited 8 years ago by ALPHAVILLE_ADMIN

    People. Regular average players, should not have to build a grinder just to get some slime balls. I can't even find 1 or 2 in swamps to make leads. Proving a negative is a logical difficulty, but i dont see you showing screen shots of wild slimes in regular swamps. So i will make a timelapse of a regular swamp, at full moon and show you that normal slime spawning is broken.

    Can i get some admin or crafty input here please.

    And please don't just tell me that because on an "SMP server mob spawn rates are low, and mob cap,bla bla bla", I know that.
    I'm telling you that after approximately 138 hours of play I have never seen even 1 slime spawn in a swamp. NONE....!!!!!

  8. Edited 8 years ago by TacoJesus

    I can testify to being with christianalpha during his experiments and he has done all methods of trying to get them to spawn even exploring variables that i didn't even think was necessary for mob spawning and he is not just bitching he is truly dedicated and this should be looks into by the moderators. They just dont spawn right.

  9. Edited 8 years ago by ardoasms

    an easy way to get slime spawns is to increase the number of spawnable blocks within the swamp by hollowing out multiple layers underneath said swamp with 3-4 blocks between each floor.

    another person who amy be able to give some suggestions is @NutjobBob since he is fairly knowlegeable about game mechanics, farms, redstone etc.

    slimes can also spawn in light i think, so if you light the area that should reduce hostile spawns to pretty much slimes only

  10. Thank you Taco & Ardo. Ardo though, again your making my point. Slimes are not supposed to be a rare spawn in swamps, compared to say Magma cubes in the nether.

    And I have encountered almost 100+ Magma cubes in that time.

  11. @ardoasms an easy way to get slime spawns is to increase the number of spawnable blocks within the swamp by hollowing out multiple layers underneath said swamp with 3-4 blocks between each floor.

    another person who amy be able to give some suggestions is @NutjobBob since he is fairly knowlegeable about game mechanics, farms, redstone etc.

    slimes can also spawn in light i think, so if you light the area that should reduce hostile spawns to pretty much slimes only

    Noted and will do whenever i relocate

  12. Edited 8 years ago by MisterReco

    @CHRISTIANALPHA Thank you Taco & Ardo. Ardo though, again your making my point. Slimes are not supposed to be a rare spawn in swamps, compared to say Magma cubes in the nether.

    And I have encountered almost 100+ Magma cubes in that time.

    You've already said the problem, mob cap, on the nether there is very few people, so the spawns of Magma cubes aren't affected, but on the overworld is almost any player on the server

  13. I have cleared an underground area about 16 chunks in size over the last few days. No slime spawns yet.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by NutjobBob

    @CHRISTIANALPHA And please don't just tell me that because on an "SMP server mob spawn rates are low, and mob cap,bla bla bla", I know that.

    I was thinking this, but....
    I spent three nights around a full moon wandering aimlessly in a swamp and didn't see a single hostile mob spawn that entire time (with 35-40 people online). Not a sausage!
    It doesn't seem to be just slimes, and the fact that we have two other recent threads saying the same thing suggest maybe something is up besides the norm .

    Some things I wondered about...

    • Hostile mobs building up in spawn chunks. Pretty sure the spawn protection and natural despawning takes care of this though
    • Some change to render distance or somesuch. Seems doubtful..
    • More players than before afking at mob spawners. Maybe the cause since people have had the time to set up grinders since the reset. That said I doubt it would make that much difference.
    • People exceeding the mob cap. I'm going to assume staff are on top of this so that's not what's happening :)

    Basically, I have no idea...seems a bit fishy to me but could be just spawn mechanics letting us down.

    I will say if you can get on when the servers a bit more empty (say, <25 people) spawn rates are way better. @CHRISTIANALPHA when do you normally play/how many people are normally online?

  15. I have noticed the rate of slimes has lowered significantly as well. I play usually when there is not many people on and I have found slime chunks that just won't respawn the slimes. I am starting to wonder if this is an issue that mojang has brought up with the new update.

  16. Here is an easy solution... Everyone just relocate your entire base to the nether so the overworld spawn rates will return to normal. Problem solved :P

  17. @_Haxington_ Here is an easy solution... Everyone just relocate your entire base to the nether so the overworld spawn rates will return to normal. Problem solved :P

    You literally just asked us all to move to hell. Hax no lol it would be too cramped

  18. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    @GrinningBobcat You literally just asked us all to move to hell. Hax no lol it would be too cramped


  19. From what I can tell slime spawn rates are low for the same reasons that mob spawn rates in general are low. In practice this means almost none spawn during good portions of the IRL day. There's some pretty cool redstone projects that I want to do like frosted ice bridges with slime but they require hundreds of slime blocks. I'm pretty sure it would be impossible for me to get all the slime I want in the current server state. If you think I'm wrong, I'm happy to buy a few dubs of slime from you.

  20. Edited 8 years ago by ALPHAVILLE_ADMIN

    Well, I have a solution.

    This is Shrek.

    He trades Cactus green & Mundane Potion for Slime Balls.

    Here is the command.
    /summon Villager ~1 ~ ~ {Profession:2,CustomName:"Shrek",CustomNameVisible:1,Career:1,CareerLevel:42,CanPickUpLoot:0,PersistenceRequired:1,Invulnerable:1,Attributes:[{Name:"generic.movementSpeed",Base:"0f"}],Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:"dye",Count:1,Damage:2},buyB:{id:"potion",Count:1,tag:{Potion:"minecraft:Mundane"}},maxUses:9999999,sell:{id:"slime_ball",Count:1},rewardExp:false}]}}

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