Building materials Needed for a Super-Large Base

  1. 8 years ago

    I need ton of Spruce (logs and Planks), Multiple tons of Stone/Cobblestone, Stone Bricks. and a bunch of Pistons.

    this is for my first large scale base I've ever attempted on this server.

    put the amounts you can offer and your prices or msg me in game

    P.S stone is the most needed thing

  2. how large?

    for any large build start with a quad auto oven
    fueled with lava buckets
    for stone just start a deep mine Y12 plenty of stone and rare minerals

    all my bases have been huge and i always start under ground digging tunnels gathers plenty of materials to build with. as for wood build a walled yard and plant them for your personal need. my great bowl had a few different forests within it just to supply my wood needs

  3. the size of a small plains biome i found in the wild approximately area about 1-2k square i may extend it to include a small lake i found close by

  4. Edited 8 years ago by _Ami_13_

    I have several stacks of spruce logs i could sell you. I'll get an exact number when i next get on

    EDIT: I got 6 stacks and 48 to sell :)

  5. how much?

  6. The main base in the lands of sknup are just over 1k square

  7. @sknup The main base in the lands of sknup are just over 1k square

    this shall be my main castle

  8. look forward to seeing it

  9. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    Just got enough stone for my watch towers and a good chunk of the outer wall thanks to various generous donations from friends @Jordi223b, @Shiba_Ina , @TheForgotten20 @LittleOwlet3

  10. Edited 8 years ago by _Haxington_

    I can sell you redstone if you need any.

    Currently going for 1 diamond per stack of blocks.

  11. @thegoldsmith how much?

    3 dias sound good ??

  12. @jamlbon 3 dias sound good ??

    only hav 2 at the moment i can give you those and an enchanted iron sword that good

  13. @_Haxington_ I can sell you redstone if you need any.

    Currently going for 1 diamond per stack of blocks.

    i'll take you up on that offer if i dont have enough redstone to build my portcullis

  14. @thegoldsmith i'll take you up on that offer if i dont have enough redstone to build my portcullis

    Okay just let me know :)

  15. are you using a falling-sand portcullis design, or a nether-brick/wooden fence portcullis?

  16. @thegoldsmith only hav 2 at the moment i can give you those and an enchanted iron sword that good

    awww poor broke gold just say a dia then i'll try and be on sometime soon ahaha

  17. @jamlbon awww poor broke gold just say a dia then i'll try and be on sometime soon ahaha

    whoo ty @jamlbon

  18. If you can come up with at least 10 diamonds I have 23 stacks of spruce logs and counting. Take your time as they are not going anywhere.

  19. @BluePlauge If you can come up with at least 10 diamonds I have 23 stacks of spruce logs and counting. Take your time as they are not going anywhere.

    it will definetly take me some time to get that much but i will contact you when i'm building my outbuildings i'm planning them in spruce

  20. em, i dont have blocks, only cobble :D, but i can pay blueplague so you can have his spruce logs ^^ if you didnt pay it yet.

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