I am changing my name!!!

  1. 8 years ago

    it's been 5 years since i first played mine craft, and 5 years that i've had the name 'Builder7555', but i think it's time for a change. i am changing my name to LukeZ6.

    -LukeZ6, leader of the order of the stone

  2. oh,dats cool ^^

  3. Edited 8 years ago by thegoldsmith

    @builder7555 it's been 5 years since i first played mine craft, and 5 years that i've had the name 'Builder7555', but i think it's time for a change. i am changing my name to LukeZ6.

    -LukeZ6, leader of the order of the stone

    leader of the order of the stone seems a mouthful, have you considered something like "The GeoLord" for your title instead

  4. ok

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