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cepheid's thoughts #2: problems with staff and the server of CraftyMynes

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Valgys

    @Silver_Sonya Valgys and R4iscool1, thanks for your responses. When you're done discussing my civility and intelligence, please post something that isn't off-topic. I'm not going to reply unless you want to discuss the server or anything from OP post.

    That ship has sailed. You blew your chance at having any kind of thoughtful conversation pertinent to this topic with me when your first replies to my opinion are sarcastic and hostile. You've shown you can't handle different viewpoints. Just step aside and let more rationale and less emotional viewpoints continue this discussion before you get this thread locked. I'm done talking to you.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by Cellexya

    @GrinningBobcat -image-
    How about just giving an orientation for staff, then if nublet staff helpers have questions they ask a higher up?
    If something is unclear or undicussed such as the use of bitch or dick being old examples then make a vote amongst the admins as a form of administrative hierarchy/seniority or have direct voting from all staff members.

    I can confirm there is an orientation of sorts, when i was promoted i was given a tour of staff stuff, and Dawn and Baron had me in a skype call explaining rules, kicking, spawn cleaning and etc. When i was promoted to mod Nysic explained how to ban and that sort of stuff and the other staff things that come with mod. He missed a few things but all i did was ask questions and they were answered almost immediately. Most, if not all staff have Crafty on skype and if they dont get an answer from Staff Chat they can pm him directly and he always replies quickly. If new staff arent sure about anything and dont reach out for an answer further than Staff Chat then it just means higher ups are busy or just havent checked the chat yet. They all have lives and most of them mute the notifications from chat because as r4 said, it gets scary. Even admins will reply to direct skype messages so any unsure staff can pm them as well and probably get a faster reply if it is an urgent matter.