Leprechauns Stash

  1. 8 years ago

    Today, a rainbow was spotted to the north after the freak storm this morning. Sources say a man in green was spotted building atop it. Further investigation is required. Please post results and various occurences.

  2. What

  3. @argonFiles What

    @BaronBattleBread Today, a rainbow was spotted to the north after the freak storm this morning. Sources say a man in green was spotted building atop it. Further investigation is required. Please post results and various occurences.

  4. @argonFiles What

    You can't say "what?" to someone through text, just reread the post.

    If you are confused as to what the post means or a certain part of the post, you should clarify your misunderstanding, so they will more easily be able to clear things up if they so please.

  5. -image-

    The Leprechaun and Danny in the background

    The Leprechaun dropped its head and there was a chest full of gold gear and 4 God apples that I split evenly with Danny.

  6. Damn you dark.

  7. -image-


    Ok figured out how to do pics now

  8. No Guinness in the chest!? Damn...

  9. Lol this is a heads up for anyone who liked this hunt; if there is another one later, check the posted date, if it says "April 1st" think twice... Got burned doing this once.


  10. @yelloms Lol this is a heads up for anyone who liked this hunt; if there is another one later, check the posted date, if it says "April 1st" think twice... Got burned doing this once.


    i would never...hehe... ever... heha..... do that .hahahahahaha

  11. Lol Baron I was searching for that for days, and kept asking you if I was close. You just let me keep looking, someone finally pointed out what day it was you posted it.

  12. Oolfa

    18 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Rip yelloms

  13. Oolfa

    18 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Did dark mean to say God or gold , hopefully it's not God lol

  14. @yelloms was that the golden village

  15. Lol Yes! Days I spent...

  16. if it was gold it would be a bit of a weak reward asian

  17. There were some gapples tho, so not that weak xD

  18. Lol golden village was just what is was called, all the villager houses were turned to gold and the roads were paved with diamond ore, but a chest for of max armor was supposed to be there, Baron even had pictures... He laughed all the way through the month...

  19. baron: King of Wild goose chases

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