My YouTube Series on CraftyMynes!

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by gminidog14

    Episode 1: link text
    Episode 2:

  2. @gminidog14 link text

    i like your videos, you actually have intresting content and i like the timelapse in that sitation, gives us a rought idea of what happens but doesnt bore the brains out of me

  3. Episode 2 is out!!

  4. lol

  5. is it tutorial on how to fail a faction

  6. @HaloNest is it tutorial on how to fail a faction

    Believe it or not, Conquest is actually bigger than the Pizza Guild. We are allies, so I have seen some of their members and their base.

  7. Meanwhile SC has 50+ members

  8. Meanwhile nobody cares about SC

  9. neither do we care about what you say

  10. @gminidog14 I like your show but I like mine better

  11. daaaam

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