Totems, Notches and Tears

  1. 7 years ago

    IGN: GoldenCookie420

    Hey, I'm buying totems, notch apples and ghast tears. Place offers below :)

  2. Buying the same things and paying more

  3. @Rybye Buying the same things and paying more

    You should make your own thread about this if you want to buy them...

  4. I'm selling totems and the grapples, PM a good price as the demand is high.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by Rybye

    @The3xpertGamer You should make your own thread about this if you want to buy them...

    Nah this works better

  6. Rymy, ryrye, rylie. So many names..

  7. 4 totems, 4 god apples for 8 god picks (silk touch)

  8. I'm selling a bunch of tears for more than ya'll wanna pay.

    Kidding, make an offer, but pm me in game only.

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