The Holy Order of the Bread Application

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago


    29 Aug 2017 Suspended

    i think baron would like to join this now that i think about it XD

  3. IGN: @Julipukki

    Past Factions or anything of the sort: I have been leading team eye and nerdnation for some time, I also was a member of the harvestar and strangers company council, also I have been playing a major role in supplying towel gang with all their cobblestone needs

    Why do you want to join this guild?: I don't have a faction, my teammates suck, so I want to join some kids that actually know what they are talking about

    Ticks: over 90million

    How often are you on?:

    Discord Name: Julipukki#0887

    please message me if you have any factions I can join or if I am accepted into your faction, <3
    Yours, The real pukki queen

  4. Stop

  5. @alarmgv12 and over 9,000 thousand would have been great.... soooo

  6. minesy

    30 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @fire5trainguy am i in?

  7. @minesy Congrats! you have been accepted to the Holy Order of the Bread!

  8. minesy

    30 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @alarmgv12 @minesy Congrats! you have been accepted to the Holy Order of the Bread!

    using the same meme over again? very original

  9. thank you, repost is the key to spreading a meme out <3

  10. xDD

  11. @minesy @fire5trainguy am i in?

    I am going over it with co leader

  12. Edited 7 years ago by Retrochewy

    IGN: Retrochewy

    Age: (This doesn't matter so you can skip)

    Past Factions or anything of the sort: Equipped, Taco, Undertakers

    Why do you want to join this guild?: because i want a team base, like i said in nn app, and he denied me i can also build very big redstone farms that will make bread fac rich

    Ticks: more than 10 mil on the last map and around 8 or 9 here

    How often are you on?: almost always once im back from vacation

    Discord Name: Retrochewy

  13. minesy

    30 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @fire5trainguy who is the leader?

  14. @minesy I am, but I also have a co-founder.

  15. minesy

    30 Aug 2017 Suspended

    oh ok

  16. What the actual hell is going on here? Haha benji youre dead. I apologize for my silly peasent, bread people. :)

  17. when will my review be gone over

  18. I am doing it right know

  19. @alarmgv12 You have been declined Too many ticks (Get a life). You aren't providing the right IGN). And frankly "Jake Pual - It's Everyday Bro" isn't really the right video for an application.

    Thanks, Fire

  20. @minesy your application is looked over and we will be meeting with you IG

  21. minesy

    31 Aug 2017 Suspended

    @fire5trainguy @minesy your application is looked over and we will be meeting with you IG

    @fire5trainguy okay. when?

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