is there someone on this serverr who has a redstone shop
And can i buy redstone materials from them
is there someone on this serverr who has a redstone shop
And can i buy redstone materials from them
you should rename your post to 'Buying redstone stuff/supplies'
you make it look like you are selling redstone
Ok thanks
I would like to buy pistons and observers
the majority of supplies are easy to get. Except for maybe slime which i can sell you at a rate of 8 balls for 1 diamond. I suppose i could make all he stuff you need. I personally keep a redstone road box just for my builds with a stack of all things. observers, droppers, dispensers, hoppers, chests , trap chests, redstone torches, furnaces, slime blocks, repeaters, comparitors, redstone blocks and dust. I just assumed the majority of builders did the same. I can look around on the forum and find the going rate I guess if you want me to.
i found this in a othergreengamer thread. he sells all these supplies
superbrix Mar 16 Edited 5 months ago by superbrix
I wanna buy 2 stacks of observers and 2 stack of pistons and a stack of redstone repeaters..
Gonna try and catch u online.
So 18 diamonds for the pistons and 12 diamonds for the observers idk what your prices are for repeaters.
so 63 + 63 pistons and 72 + 72 observers = 30 diamonds total for that and then as said idk repeaters
best guess he charges :
9 diamonds per stack of pistons, I do not know if that is standard or sticky
observers appear to be 6 diamonds per stack
as far as repeaters and comparitors i could not find prices
i will keep looking to get prices for all items, maybe i start a price thread
ok after doing some research and talking with greengamer these are the prices i found for your related item. othergreengamer or I can supply with these item. hope this helps.
observer blocks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 diamonds per stack
pistons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 diamonds per stack
sticky pistons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 diamonds per stack
redstone repeaters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 diamond per stack
redstone comparitors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 diamond per stack
redstone torches -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 diamond per 2 stacks
droppers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 diamond per 2 stacks
dispensers------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 diamond per 2 stacks
hoppers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 diamond blocks per stack
Sticky pistons are worth more than what you said there Humfry.
Still, pistons and slime are involved. So if 8 slimeballs is a diamond, which a stack of it is worth 8 diamonds a stack, then you'll have pistons involved which is 7 diamonds a stack...wait nevermind, when you actually divide those two, then 9 diamonds is actually a right price. xD
Still they're worth more than that.
yea, slime balls/blocks are expensive af, plus the making of pistons wich are also expensive, I would say at least but at the very leas, 16diamonds per stack of sticky pistons
Ok prices adjusted. to those effected see above