1. 7 years ago

    Hey guys i dont know why but i think quarz is a bit rare.
    So i buy very much quarz
    Ask me ingame chat if you want to sell the quarz to me.
    yes yes i can ask ingame but no guys sells quarz :C

  2. @MaggiAusDaKann Hey guys i dont know why but i think quarz is a bit rare.
    So i buy very much quarz
    Ask me ingame chat if you want to sell the quarz to me.
    yes yes i can ask ingame but no guys sells quarz :C

    One thing I've noticed in game is that people often ask if anyone is selling x, but they don't say how much they will offer for it so nobody answers. You might try offering a specific price for what you want and see if you get a better response. Just an idea.

  3. yes

  4. Once you get far enough from spawn you'll notice that quartz isn't that rare, you'll find none traveling around the nether hub.

  5. yes but i hate the nether or i take some of my fire prot potions

  6. minesy

    4 Oct 2017 Suspended

    @MaggiAusDaKann if your looking to buy i have a ton

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