Caught Random Members (On Reddit)

  1. 6 years ago


    And my opinion is that this is more interesting than it actually is.

  2. r/mildlyinteresting

  3. Perfect description.

  4. Deleted 6 years ago by Compos
  5. Edited 6 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT

    @JKELLER4000 I have found reddit to be too negative and i am trying desperately to leave it. but it is just so hard!

    has anyone else tried to cut back their reddit usage but cannot seem able too?

    Ooo, I know a good strategy.

    Stop using it.

    Perhaps that was a bit blunt, but it's honestly that simple. Delete the application. Block the site on your browser. Use self-control. If you can't do that, you have an addiction, and that's a serious problem.

    I've very recently joined reddit and have noticed more negativity than on other social media outlets, but I have also seen many more deep thinker and brilliant people there.

    Not trying to be cruel or harsh at all with this; again, it's really that easy. Simply stop using it.

  6. @JKELLER4000 I have found reddit to be too negative and i am trying desperately to leave it. but it is just so hard!

    has anyone else tried to cut back their reddit usage but cannot seem able too?

    I really like the wholesome subs like r/wholesomemes, r/aww, r/bettereveryboop, and other animal ones. Also r/mademesmile is great.

  7. Edited 6 years ago by JuraraJupiter

    Uh, reddit as a whole isn't negative. Don't subscribe to negative subreddits if you don't want to see negative things. And don't hijack my thread to complain about reddit not being wholesome enough for you. I enjoy r/wholesomememes very much but I also enjoy the other side of the website. It's not one person. Anyone can join, anyone can say something, negative or positive.

    This is a thread about a post on r/minecraftsuggestions, please don't turn this into a debate as to whether reddit is good or bad. Thanks. gosh. ick.

    (jkeller are you just upset that r/incels is banned? hmm...)

  8. Deleted 6 years ago by Compos

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