CraftyMynes Livestream Series!

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by Family_Tuber

    Welcome to the CraftyMynes Livestream Series!

    Hello, I am Family Tuber! Many of you probably have seen me around on the server but I'm not on quite as much as I used to be. I even tried to fix that earlier in the year by starting a new series. Because of editing problems those videos never took off so I have found a new alternative! Livestreams. I figured since most of my time is already used editing and recording for my main three series that I'd start and continue a series of CraftyMynes Livestreams! These livestreams can basically contain anything that's possible on this server so who knows what could happen!? Here's my channel so you'll know where it's at.

    Livestreams could be random adventures with NN members, material collection, base tours, and what other chaotic fun we could have! I'm really stoked to start doing livestreams here on CM and I hope you are too! See you there! =D

    Livestream #1
    Livestream #2 - NN's Birthday

  2. Good luck my friend! Hope to join you in these from time to time (:

  3. Thank you! ^^ I hope so too

  4. Oh look, I'm not working tomorrow... Whatever shall I do to maintain my boredom? =P

  5. 6 years ago

    Hmmmm *thinking face*


  7. Just under 3 hours till the stream! Hype!

  8. Sorry guys my computer is being really dumb right now and is taking forever to reset. I probably will need some more time to get things running so don't be surprised if the stream gets delayed a bit. =T

  9. @Family_Tuber Sorry guys my computer is being really dumb right now and is taking forever to reset. I probably will need some more time to get things running so don't be surprised if the stream gets delayed a bit. =T

    at least you're actually streaming unlike king "i fell asleep and was too lazy so ill blame it on sleep paralysis" sharpserac

  10. Haha very true XD
    Well, my computer has finally decided to boot up. So I'm going to need about 30 minutes to reconfirm the stream is running at smooth frames and all that. Thanks for the patience!

  11. I'm now going live in five minutes! Here's the link!

  12. Woo! Thank you to everyone who showed up to the stream yesterday! The video is now up for you to enjoy and it's linked here! I also edited the main post to contain all the links as we continue on in livestreams. Basically in a similar format to Nerdie's yt posts. So this forum post will be the best place to find all of my livestreams here on CM! Stay tuned for the next one.

  13. Edited 6 years ago by Family_Tuber

    Here's the live stream of NN's Birthday in case you missed it! Here It was a lot of fun and the event went quite well. Looking forward to doing more streams in the future especially since school is nearing the end for Summer!

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