Plead for help and understanding

  1. 8 years ago


    22 Apr 2016 Suspended

    Good evening friends (for me anyway),
    I come to the forum now as a disturbed citizen of CraftyMynes.
    The issue that currently brings me deep torment is eating away at me mentally and I feel as my human right, I must speak up and raise awareness to my issue. I will also try to make this as short and "tl;dr" as possible.
    As it stands I feel as if I was cornered and picked on by some of the staff tonight. Now I come to CraftyMynes for the sheer pleasure of the welcoming community but being backed into a corner (as I felt) is just not how I want to spend my Friday night at all!
    I am completely confused as how I got scorned by a mod for simply "asking someone if they have a certain hairstyle" As seen here: -image- now this was just the beginning of my road to confusion and injustice. To add secondly, another mod comes online only a few moments later to continue the scorning, as seen here:-image- and basically at this point i'm 110% completely confused and feeling out of place as these two events have taken place. What continues supersede my confusion and what ices the cake of my "deep torment" is, within only a SINGLE hour the person of whom is the "cause" of these events can brazenly tell another citizen of CraftyMynes to "fuck off" ( as seen here: -image- without a word or a "scorning" directed at them and without consequence. Where is the justice? Where is the equality? Why is this one person given such leeway over others? Why can someone attack one player with no cause? I was led to believe that ALL players follow the SAME rules. I don't understand. Please help.

  2. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  3. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  4. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  5. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  6. Thread locked temporarily to prevent it getting out of hand you'll have a reply shortly


  7. Edited 8 years ago by Nysic

    Lets get started, before all of this i'd like to mention I did not have the full scope of what had transpired between you guys. Had I known all of what was said I would have banned you on the spot.

    Your own screenshots really didnt do you any justice clearly by the conversation you were having between you and MizoreShirayuki you clearly don't understand how disgusting your language really was. Let me make this clear We do not tolerate bullying here. This is by no means a joking matter, you were repeatedly asked to stop not only by MasaruCyri but also staff members.

    Where is the justice? Where is the equality? Why is this one person given such leeway over others? Why can someone attack one player with no cause? I was led to believe that ALL players follow the SAME rules.

    How is this justice and equality?
    [08:27:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§2MasaruCyri§r> Miz, you know you two can just leave me alone, right?
    [08:28:13] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7MizoreShirayuki§r> but then you wouldn't get to look at our beautiful shields in town!
    [08:28:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> Why can't you just be nice to us MasaruCyri
    [08:28:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§2MasaruCyri§r> I ask the same question to you Fluxated.
    [08:28:57] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> Me and MizoreShirayuki are not abominations.
    [08:29:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> Unlike some

    [08:29:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> But that is another story XD
    [08:29:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7MizoreShirayuki§r> kek
    [08:29:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7MizoreShirayuki§r> kek
    [08:31:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> On the real tho, MasaruCyri
    [08:31:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> What kind of queen are you

    [08:32:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You whisper to §2MasaruCyri§r: is that insulting to you?
    [08:32:39] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §2MasaruCyri§r whispers to you: He and MizoreShirayuki have been nothing but rude to me
    [08:32:55] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] You whisper to §2MasaruCyri§r: if he does it again ill call him on it.’
    [08:33:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §2MasaruCyri§r: whispers to you: Calling me "He" and "it" and just trying to poke at me every chance they get.
    [08:36:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> MasaruCyri do you have a mullet irl
    [08:36:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§frnc2011§r> oi. be nice.
    [08:36:56] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§2MasaruCyri§r> Stop talking to me please.
    [08:36:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> ??
    [08:37:05] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> How is asking a question not nice
    [08:37:11] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> I had a mullet for 2 years
    [08:37:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§frnc2011§r> its clearly not nice. if she says dont talk to her, don’t
    [08:37:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> After I asked
    [08:37:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> kk fair justice
    [08:38:01] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§frnc2011§r> thank you for understanding =D
    [08:48:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§7PolarPhoenix§r> how u get diamond armour?
    [08:48:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§2MasaruCyri§r> You mine diamonds
    [08:48:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> you mine it’s

    [08:48:58] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§2MasaruCyri§r> Stop Fluxated.
    [08:49:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> Stop what..
    [08:49:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> You said "don't talk to me" now “stop"
    [08:49:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <Fluxated> Leave me alone lmao

    How dare you think you can come to this server and make fun of someones gender. To go out of your way to deliberately bully them for your own amusement.

    You said you were led to believe everyone follows the same rules. Allow me then to inform you of which ones you broke.

    Be respectful to other players - Don’t use extremely derogatory terms or epithets. Don’t insult or personally attack others in excess. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. Don’t cross the line or continue after you’ve been asked you to stop.

    No hate speech in any form - Never engage in hate speech of any kind. This means chat, private message, in your builds, in books, your skin, signs, or any other way that you can think of.

    Practice good chat etiquette - Don’t use caps, don’t spam, don’t discuss controversial, sensitive or offensive topics (e.g. sex, sexual identity or preferences, race, politics, religion, drugs, etc.)

    Listen to staff members - Enough said! People will always find ways around the rules, staff reserve the right to make changes to the rules to cover these holes in order to keep the server a safe friendly place.

    This is a safe enviroment for all players who choose to make CraftyMynes their home, this act by you is horrendous and will not be tolerated.

    You will be banned from the server effective immediately.


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