Happened to me a few times but I only lost cheap items.
Two comments I wanted to add:
The language is a bit loose. If I'm repositioning a bee hive in my inventory, and have a sword in my right hand and rockets in my left hand... which of these I am "holding" isn't clear. Something involving the words mouse, cursor, or inventory could be good.
A minor nitpick, but since we all tele all the time it seems a bit bloaty to keep getting the same warning day in day out. After the 100th time, we'll get it. Any chance it could be reined in to only appear when most valuable? I don't know what can or can't be implemented easily, but some suggestions:
- - only if your inventory is opened just after you type the tele command
- - only 20 times per account
- - only the first 10 times you tele having not logged in for more than 3 days
- - ???
Btw good job staff responding so quickly to a player's issue.