Serverplz Quotes

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    vicious i got ur head its on my wall of shame

  3. Lets keep this thread about quotes. :T

  4. "Jam I am going to cut you" - GibsonAxe 2k16

    (It was something along those lines anyway XD )

  5. *jamlbon fell from a high place* -jamlbon 2016

  6. @Beedobi -image-


  7. "if you can't figure out private messaging you don't deserve minecraft love" -Get_Shwifty 2016

  8. [23:36:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§6Dannysharks§r> Welcome to CraftyMynes!
    [23:36:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§6Dannysharks§r> Welcome to CraftyMynes!
    [23:36:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] <§6Dannysharks§r> Welcome to CraftyMynes!
    [23:36:43] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §6Dannysharks§r left the game


  9. Edited 8 years ago by Beedobi

    "I was an accident!" - @Dannysharks 2k16

  10. "I was an accident!" - @Dannysharks 2k16

  11. <§fBlackened_Dawn§r> hi bee im ur divorce lawyer
    <§fBlackened_Dawn§r> we'll squeeze him out of his money
    <§6Beedobi§r> he dropped me onto an enderman that was mad at me
    <§fBlackened_Dawn§r> divorce worthy, all his shit is now urs


  12. Deleted 4 months ago by Beedobi
  13. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    ham needs to get on I'm going to slap him for how many days hes absent -Pimpcy 2k16/17/18...

    Kitties we need kitties -Eberk91 2k∞‎

    Bonding is fun -FlashFood 2k16

  14. ;-;

  15. @Beedobi <§fBlackened_Dawn§r> hi bee im ur divorce lawyer
    <§fBlackened_Dawn§r> we'll squeeze him out of his money
    <§6Beedobi§r> he dropped me onto an enderman that was mad at me
    <§fBlackened_Dawn§r> divorce worthy, all his shit is now urs

    Also this


  16. "Don't tell me what to fuckin do, bitch"
    -Blackened_Dawn 2k15 on Ts

  17. is this vanilla?-80% of newbies
    caw- TheDunmerRaven (too bad i have to repeat it but meh idc)

  18. is this vanilla?-80% of newbies
    mightymntz joined the game
    "hi guys im off"
    mightymuntz left the game
    (i think its smthing like that

  19. Edited 8 years ago by CreeperLord170

    This has been deleted :P

  20. Naidae: morning all ^^
    Masa: morning!
    Naidae: how is everyone doing?
    Masa: good@
    Pimpcy: fucking gr8
    this oatmeal is kickass
    it has raisins in it as in I'm raisin the roof cause im the party
    Masa: BOOOOO!
    Pimpcy: im so sorry that was stupid I just woke up though that's my excuse
    fuck u masa
    you're the mother of harvestar you be raisin us this way
    Masa: (facepalm)
    Pimpcy: LOL
    -Morning/Breakfast conversations at the Harvestar dining table-

  21. Newer ›

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