CaseyFluffbat's server ban appeal

  1. 3 months ago

    Debated on whether or not I would even bother, especially considering there was no way to get a direct answer (7 day discord mute + forum only discussion + 2 week wait for appeal). I decided to make this early because what exactly am I waiting for?

    "Reason: We need a break, and I think you do too, you may appeal in 2 weeks."

    Not sure what I'm supposed to make of this besides guessing. Since this was within hours of making a forum post asking if MVP's get additional benefits, I will assume that's related. That post was a result of what I felt I could do to bring attention to an issue with a player that was initially ignored by staff while not referencing their name (because that would be locked or deleted), and bringing my concern to the forums as repeatedly directed by staff to everyone. Don't know what to do differently there. Did it sound like a joke? It wasn't.

    Speaking of the ban itself, what exactly does it have to do with the server? Was there something that happened THERE that warranted it? I don't recall anything personal, inappropriate, hateful, etc. leading up to this. No warnings or prior moderation history either. Seems indiscriminately harsh.

    Nothing else I have to go off of on my end.

  2. Casey_Fluffbat, you were banned for toxic behavior. It is my hope that over the last 2 weeks you have reflected on this and in the future will bring a more positive attitude on the server and discord.
    Please know any toxic behavior in the future will not be tolerated and could result in a permanent ban.
    You will now be unbanned.
    Happy Myning.

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