Villagers at Spawn

  1. 8 years ago

    Hello all! Recently, some of you may have noticed that the villagers at spawn block trades after a little bit. I was told this was done due to the villagers ruining the economy (i.e. making people rich with very little work.) I completely understand the implementation of this, however i do believe we can find a better way to make the economy fair. What if, instead of blocking trades, we were to just reduce the exchange rates? Personally, i use the villagers to keep my chests from overflowing rather than means to make profit, and I for one would not mind seeing the exchange rates dropping immensely, rather than having trade blocks implemented.

  2. I talked to Nysic about it. He was surprised to hear that they were locked, so no, it isn't due to it bugging the economy. Nysic said Baron was away for a few days and would take care of it when he gets back.

  3. Yeah there has been a couple of discussions about this in the staff chat, we are considering change but on the other hand the diamond market has always been inflated and it's sorta hard to stop that.
    The casino may help with this too.

  4. In my shit opinion, if we stop the main flow of emeralds into our server's economy, everyone who has villagers on their bases will grow their prices and THEN we are definetly ruining our economy with inflation and shortage of items.

    Villagers at a spawn are a possibility for EVERYONE to make profit, so you're providing everyone an equal chance to get easy profit and move the economy.
    By setting a trade limit older users who have already made stacks of emeralds, will easily take take over the economy by controlling most trades and the money.

  5. I have to agree with bSan420, the original post was intended to be a compromise between before and after. If it was up to me, i would keep it the same way as it. Our economy is perfect for our server imo.

  6. i don't understand how minecraft can have an economy, people want things that the villagers aren't even offering more often than not

  7. @PenguinMytyMJ i don't understand how minecraft can have an economy, people want things that the villagers aren't even offering more often than not

    With the villagers at spawn, you can turn crops into Diamonds, you can achieve many things through fervent villager trading. Before villagers diamond was acquired through mining, which is work, now all you have to do is have something that sells for emeralds (almost everything) and you can just go to spawn and get diamond from that, we have created a virtual inflation in a virtual economy in a virtual world, Gg CraftyMynes players.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Dannysharks

    Its actually interesting how it works. The way the trades are set effect all of the trades across the server. For example, lets say there was a trade of 1 wheat for 1 diamond which is ridiculous and we assume all trades are done via diamonds, then buying something like armour would cost stacks and stacks of diamonds, because the trade renders them useless, effecting the ingame economy, obviously it wouldnt be this low, but it shows a point, the villagers in spawn can really effect the trades in game

  9. @_Confederacy_ With the villagers at spawn, you can turn crops into Diamonds, you can achieve many things through fervent villager trading. Before villagers diamond was acquired through mining, which is work, now all you have to do is have something that sells for emeralds (almost everything) and you can just go to spawn and get diamond from that, we have created a virtual inflation in a virtual economy in a virtual world, Gg CraftyMynes players.

    What sort of farming can be traded in for diamonds?

  10. I say increase the amount of emeralds you need to sell to the villager to get a diamond.
    For example: 20 emeralds for 2 diamonds.
    That would probably enrage people. I believe it should be 6 emeralds for 1 diamond and not 2.

  11. Diamonds are worthless. Let's go back to the gold standard.

  12. Yes, I prefer gold over diamonds.

  13. @Dench781 What sort of farming can be traded in for diamonds?

    I believe Any crop can be farmed and traded at spawn for emeralds (16 crop for 1 emerald) and then said emeralds traded for diamond (6 emeralds for 2 daimonds) I already did the math, you need 48 stacks of said crop to get one stack of diamond, which can easily be achieved in one day if you have a big enough to farm for it.

  14. @_Confederacy_ I believe Any crop can be farmed and traded at spawn for emeralds (16 crop for 1 emerald) and then said emeralds traded for diamond (6 emeralds for 2 daimonds) I already did the math, you need 48 stacks of said crop to get one stack of diamond, which can easily be achieved in one day if you have a big enough to farm for it.

    The problem I run into is the NPC's will only trade so much and seem to have some sort of cool down.

  15. @_Confederacy_ I believe Any crop can be farmed and traded at spawn for emeralds (16 crop for 1 emerald) and then said emeralds traded for diamond (6 emeralds for 2 daimonds) I already did the math, you need 48 stacks of said crop to get one stack of diamond, which can easily be achieved in one day if you have a big enough to farm for it.

    Not beetroot D;

  16. That needs to be fixed, they were unlimited, but to balance that you simply have to plant another crop, which is traded exactly like the other, (16 for 1 emerald) and the other trade should unlock after enough uses.

  17. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    @jdakandeek Diamonds are worthless. Let's go back to the gold standard.

    Gold had value in 1.8 because Gapples, it's pointless to own lots of gold here now since you can't craft them anymore.

  18. Golden apples could still be used for PVPing but it'll probably more of a nuisance due to the eating problems.

  19. It has happened.

    Every day there is less people willing to trade emeralds. Diamonds seem to have become players's most used currency, which makes them pretty much unvaluable, as we can't do much with them.

    We need more emeralds circulating at server... the logic is easy

    More emeralds = more trades
    More trades = better items
    Better items = easier success
    Easier success = more bases/life and possibilities on wilderness

  20. @bSan420 It has happened.

    Every day there is less people willing to trade emeralds. Diamonds seem to have become players's most used currency, which makes them pretty much unvaluable, as we can't do much with them.

    We need more emeralds circulating at server... the logic is easy

    More emeralds = more trades
    More trades = better items
    Better items = easier success
    Easier success = more bases/life and possibilities on wilderness

    Kind sir i refer you to lol though those emeralds will probably never see the light of day.

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