Leave after two days...

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Just give the server a bit @Poha77, if you've played for 9 months like I have, you would know that the "unreliableness" of the server is only temporary and almost never happens. Just wait it out.

  3. thanks _Confederacy_, I already screwed up anyway as I gave my coords...

  4. Can always rebuild your base and remake it somewhere else. Maybe your home hasn't been touched yet, you can just move your stuff out and go somewhere new, i can help with moving, if you want

  5. @Dannysharks Can always rebuild your base and remake it somewhere else. Maybe your home hasn't been touched yet, you can just move your stuff out and go somewhere new, i can help with moving, if you want

    The server is still can't reachable, so I'll not count on it. I'll not even try again. Have fun guys, I'll post some of my farms what I built on other servers.

  6. this is just my slime farm as it was at my guardian farm: -image-

  7. ask e.g. Fatty, how I did... Thanks iDoge..

  8. -image-
    all of this was on vanilla mps...

  9. http://pohaland.net/3hours it has been not fixed in the last 3 hours...

  10. Edited 8 years ago by Poha77

    @Poha77 http://pohaland.net/3hours it has been not fixed in the last 3 hours...

    However @iDogeTwinkie has a good connection, he could join....

  11. @Poha77 Thanks for the info... Anyways, I don't wanna play on a server where trolls like IDogeTwinkie plays.
    You would be jealous of my internet connection... The server is down, troll.

    Oh it's nice that you called me a troll but I'm not trolling this time. I'm not jealous about your internet because I honestly don't give a shit how good your internet is. I could get a 50 mbps internet and I wouldn't boast about it because no one cares about it. I'm more amused about how you're blaming the server for your playtime here. Instead, how about that you go and cry to Mojang and their shit services and then come back and talk shit about the server? I think that's a better idea, now is it?

    I'm a troll but a one where people laugh at it so players and admins here don't mind it and unlike some idiots who think they can troll, I got my trolling skills under control. I'm not the only person that trolls here so you're quite frankly shit out of luck when it comes to this.

    No, server isn't down. Server's working perfectly except that no one is able to play on it due to Mojang's shit services they've got, especially when it comes to vanilla.

    Shit, I've been in this server for like a year and a few months and yes I complained about lag but that was useless because I realized it's not really server's fault, but it's Mojang's fault.

    So go and cry to motherfucking Mojang.

    Also, you got shit skills in trolling, I thought I'd let you know.

    Now you might wanna fuck off until this shit gets worse.

  12. I wanted to prove that you're wrong, but I failed. My other server is not working either.. I was wrong, sorry... I really fucked up! It's Mojang, now... Microsoft. I FAILED! I'm SORRY! HONESTLY!

  13. I'll do the honor of blowing up your base.

  14. @KatcheD I'll do the honor of blowing up your base.

    pls do!

  15. @KatcheD I'll do the honor of blowing up your base.

    Obviously I have a honor too and will never try again here...

  16. "a honor"

  17. I honestly feel like you didn't come here just to say you feel the server is laggy, rather i feel you came as a troll to stir the pot. You an alt of some previous banned player? It is pretty apparent you just want people to reply with "no" and for people to be mad so you can complain to others about how "poor it was".
    I wish you would show some class and leave with a bit of dignity in silence.
    No need to complain and pester staff. It is obvious you are trying to stir the pot as you have made a reply to almost every comment so far, disecting it and ripping it to pieces. As for such i just thought i would leave you with this note to ponder, and you can make your smark alec remarks towards it, i could care less.
    May you find peace on another server instead of complaining about Crafty's (which btw has one of the best setups in all of vanilla servers, fact.)

  18. @FishW I honestly feel like you didn't come here just to say you feel the server is laggy, rather i feel you came as a troll to stir the pot. You an alt of some previous banned player? It is pretty apparent you just want people to reply with "no" and for people to be mad so you can complain to others about how "poor it was".
    I wish you would show some class and leave with a bit of dignity in silence.
    No need to complain and pester staff. It is obvious you are trying to stir the pot as you have made a reply to almost every comment so far, disecting it and ripping it to pieces. As for such i just thought i would leave you with this note to ponder, and you can make your smark alec remarks towards it, i could care less.
    May you find peace on another server instead of complaining about Crafty's (which btw has one of the best setups in all of vanilla servers, fact.)

    No, I have never been here before. I tried, but the server fucked me up! I've never attacked anyone, no one attacked me. I always had a bad experience with microsoft products. I'm a unix guy. I was just simple not accepting if someone saying it's my fault. Obviously it was not my fault. I accept if someone destroys me. I don't care. If you go to the coords above, you will see that I prepared a long term peaceful relationship. I fucked up, I'll not come back! All the best for you guys!

  19. Bye!

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