best tpa traps

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Does it involve any pistons whatsoever...?

  3. Pistons are required to make it, but will be removed when it's finished.
    Hint: My trap was not possible before 1.9

  4. Spill the beans...
    I've got no clue.

  5. @TheSpiderman2013 Spill the beans...
    I've got no clue.

    No wait! D: I'll keep asking for hints.

    Does it have to do with entity collisions?

  6. @Triatomic Does it have to do with entity collisions?

    Nope :)
    (any entity the player collides with can be killed, making an inescapable trap kinda tricky)

  7. Hmm, I'm almost positive it involves entities in walls. Does it? (I've got to go for about two hours after this post, so I probably won't read your reply until then.)

  8. Edited 8 years ago by FishW

    @NutjobBob Pistons are required to make it, but will be removed when it's finished.
    Hint: My trap was not possible before 1.9

    Hmm ok since you could not do it before 1.9 that probably means that it involves the new blocks(or possibly mechanics)
    You've denied the use of entities as they can be killed, but what about maybe shulkers(i know thats a longshot as it would take awhile to move them and all plus they are entities)
    Maybe something with chorus fruit blocks and their hitbox size?
    Oh or end rods and their hitbox size maybe!
    I'll keep brainstorming!

  9. @FishW You've denied the use of entities

    I did no such thing! (or at least I didn't mean to)
    It does in fact use entities.

  10. @NutjobBob I did no such thing! (or at least I didn't mean to)
    It does in fact use entities.

    :D i miss read as you said

    @NutjobBob Nope :)
    (any entity the player collides with can be killed, making an inescapable trap kinda tricky)

    Not that you werent using entities!
    Ok now i have more room to brainstorm!

  11. tsu

    21 Jul 2016 Suspended

    Chorus fruit for being trapped in a space, mlg water bucket for a fall trap, Fire res for a lava trap, tp out for a drown trap. Tpaing to someone I always prep these in my hot bar. Basically I'm un kill able.

  12. I can think of a few that would kill you

  13. @tsu Chorus fruit for being trapped in a space

    Chorus fruit teleportation is easily blocked

    @tsu water bucket for a fall trap, Fire res for a lava trap,

    Trap I have doesn't use either

    @tsu tp out for a drown trap

    I think this is pretty much the only way to escape my 'lil trap. By running away. Also, if you don't react fast enough you won't be able to tp due to damage

    On an unrelated note, you could make a pretty entertaining trap using 20hz clock to make mob-only doors. Wouldn't' be inescapable, but sure would surprise someone.

  14. @NutjobBob Will you post a tutorial or something I'm so curious! Or at the very least tell me how hard it is to build/gather the materials?

  15. tsu

    21 Jul 2016 Suspended

    I carry a full inv of health pots, I don't need to react fast.

  16. Even a full inventory will eventually run out lol

  17. OR, you could just kill them without a trap.......

  18. We're all to scared of you iwarriiori!

    Here is cross-section of the trap

    The sand is actually an entity hovering above the fences. This means that when you try to break a block you just hit the sand instead. You cant place any blocks because the entity is in the way. Ender pearls hit the sand sand entity and teleport you nowhere (I think). You cant jump out because of the slabs above.
    It is actually possible possible to mine your way out if you stand on the very edge of a block, and face in one of the cardinal directions. However this is really difficult to do and will be impossible when taking damage ticks.

  19. How do you get the sand to remain an entity? Some 1.9 thing I don't know about?

  20. @Triatomic How do you get the sand to remain an entity? Some 1.9 thing I don't know about?

    Place down a 3 block high tower. The place a fence connecting to the side of the 1st block. Then place a piece of sand on the side on the side of the 3rd top block and it should fall on top of the fence as an entity.
    I used to use it in some cool build designs, and i think that was how i did it.
    Alternativly you could place 2sand blocks on top of the fence post then destroy the lower sand block.

  21. Best tpa trap:
    Be an asshole and get all your friends to mob them until they die.

    A 5v1 probably won't go well, although survival is possible...

    (@darktyui vs the 5 others in the arena that one time)

  22. Newer ›

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