Riddle me this!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Hi, sorry, I exist... forgot I posted that.

    The correct answer is: the man's skin on his thumbs looked like it had been chewed and slightly ripped up. When you catch bass, you hold them by the mouth. They have very very small but numerous amounts of tiny teeth, that slowly and gently rips apart the skin on the thumb you hold them on.

    Nobody got it, only an angler would have known the answer :D

  3. ^ this is such a.....logical answer xD

    Cause most riddles here are with funny or ridiculous answers lolol! But I learned a new thing today! :)

  4. this is a 3 part riddle were the first 2 are needed in the 3rd (must answer all 3)

    alive without breath,
    as cold as death;
    never thirst, ever drinking,
    all in mail never clinking.

    this thing all things devours;
    birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
    gnaws iron, bites steel;
    grinds hard stones to meal;
    slays king, ruins town,
    and beats high mountain down.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by hopping25

    and the final one:

    who wrote these riddles?

  6. These are Tolkien's aren't they, I'll let someone else answer them.

  7. yes, nice to see a fellow fan

  8. people, please try to answer the riddles with out looking them up

  9. Fish


  10. What do I have in my pocket?

  11. pocket sized tolk-hm...

  12. @MagnaOpera Fish


    yes and yes

    What do I have in my pocket?

    @MagnaOpera your next

  13. Thought you said you were a fan :P Well since you spurned my earlier, winning riddle i pose a new one. Its pretty easy cos I just made it up.

    I rhymes with black in another tongue
    By elderly gentlemen, less by the young
    In pocket and on wrist and in mountain I do lie
    I make sure the hour wont pass you by

  14. Edited 8 years ago by ghostassasin81

    time/watch @MagnaOpera

  15. Its good but its not the one.

  16. well I would say clock @MagnaOpera but I don't think that's right either

  17. Hey don't forget the first line its not just for show. Seriously you are going to kick yourself.

  18. Hhm is it a schwarz or schwartz watch? Because schwarz is german for black and it sounds like schwartz jewlers, which sells watches idk. It's a bad answer I know (Im totally overthinking this aren't I?)

  19. Your train of thought is running along the right track.

  20. Quartz?
    Common in watches and mountains, rhymes with schwartz (which is apparently black in German, something I didn't know until @CovertRaw's post)

  21. gg @NutjobBob has the winner. Your turn.

  22. Newer ›

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