The Collections Thread!

  1. 9 years ago

    My current collection of knives!

  2. Why would you post your collection of knives ?? xD

  3. well if you must ask you must really want to have 17 knives sticking out of your back xD

    okay srs now, i just wanna see everyone elses collections of stuff and showed off mine

  4. :P I'd post a picture of my arrows although I'm not sure how to post a picture or if it's really a collection xD

  5. theres a button called embed image and you can download a screencap program at

  6. Oh wow I'm such a noob -_-

  7. @Chips_The_Gamer Oh wow I'm such a noob -_-

    lol yep

  8. Knife collection! Looking pretty sharp.. although I must wonder, Is there a point? Like, You should get a handle on them..

  9. @StaticSword Knife collection! Looking pretty sharp.. although I must wonder, Is there a point? Like, You should get a handle on them..

    triple pun!

  10. @argonFiles triple pun!

    Actually a Quadruple pun!! Knife..Nice... :P

  11. what collections do you have?

  12. @argonFiles what collections do you have?

    I have a collection of hats that just consists of two hats and only one I really wear..

  13. Ill post a collection of swords later tonight

  14. -image-

    I bet none of you saw this BS coming ;)

  15. coolbeanz with a side of forced memes

  16. Pimp where'd you get the Lon Lon Milk bottles? I love the illustrations that book has

  17. Edited 9 years ago by Pimpcy

    @FlashFood Funny story when I was a tween I found some free printouts a long long time ago and I just glued them on jars lelel
    Same tho omgsh Many critique the hyrule historia itself I just enjoy looking at the concept art and everything ;pp


  18. I'll post my magic the gathering collection when I get around to taking pictures haha

  19. I love the concept art for Twilight in there, it and Link to the Past are tied for my favorite games. If you ever run across the printout again I would love to get it from you, I could use some of my Mom's mason jars and copy you :P

  20. -image-
    The long awaited sword collection :D
    Fun Fact: the wooden sword is only used for training.

  21. Newer ›

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