MisterKickMan's Shop! 2.0

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by misterkickman

    Well, seeing as my last shop failed miserably I'm remaking it here.
    Please order using the following format:

    Item and amount:

    I accept payment in diamonds, emeralds and iron. (Iron and emeralds are equal in value)
    FYI: you cannot order more than 4 stacks of an item at a time, however if you need insane amounts juts tell me and we can talk things out.

    64x Logs = 4 Iron
    64x Sand = 2 iron
    64x Cobble or Stone = 1 Iron
    Diamonds = 8 Iron
    64x Wheat = 4 Iron
    64x Glass = 3 Iron
    64 Sugar Cane (limited) = 1 Iron

    I'm also able to sell lots more items and I will add commonly asked for items here as well.

    Tnt = Offer: 1 iron for 1 tnt.
    Bookshelves = 1 iron per shelf.

  2. ???

  3. 7 years ago


  4. If your selling a stack of oak wood logs then I'll buy 2 stacks and it HAS to be LOGS not planks, logs.

  5. @misterkickman wut

    Nothing showed up at first

  6. Yea @OpticImpulse I know it's logs.
    I will have them tonight and your price is 1 diamond or 8 Emmy or 8 Iron

  7. what about glass? plus, 4 iron for 16 sand is so unworth it, 16 sand is only 2x8

  8. Glass should be the same price which I will lower.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by HaloNest

    -I'll buy 2 stacks of logs, if you have the dark oak I'll go for it, if you only have oak then I'll buy normal oak logs.

    - I'll buy 2 stacks of glass.

  10. @HaloNest sure should be ready in about an hour bc i can't get on for a bit.

  11. no problems, how much is it in emmy?

  12. 14 emmy

  13. I'll pay 18 EB's to make the thing easier

  14. okay and btw whats ur ign?

  15. totally not HaloNest

  16. Can I get 4 stacks of spruce logs ? :P I'll probably need more later.

  17. sure give me a bit bc I don't grow spruce atm so I will need to find a biome

  18. Lol can i come to your base

  19. @Fish_life Lol can i come to your base

    Sure I'll tp you to my base xD

  20. Edited 7 years ago by OmegaSniper4eva

    I need a double chest of logs. Can you do this?
    18 stacks Spruce,
    18 stacks Birch,
    18 stacks Dark Oak
    224 iron?

  21. Newer ›

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