Creations, ruins, and creation protection

  1. 8 years ago

    Seeing the grey palace I've been thinking maybe I could contribute a decent to somewhat good monument to the server some where and make the coords public so people would visit, and yes I see the many problems with that and do acknowledge it but I'd still like to see what would happen if I did although I don't think it'd last long considering griefers and builds don't exactly mix, still I'd like the community approval and see what you all think, if and when this topic goes away you guys can share cool builds or snapshots of your base that you've found or made, I go exploring all the time and find awesome looking things half build or griefed but I never bother to take a snapshot which I should do more often. anyways enough from me and let the conversation start

  2. Oh and any suggestions?

  3. I'm a reader of the future. So i'll let you in on what i see in the near future of this idea.

    Player 1 makes a beautiful and time consuming build. And decides they wish to show others.
    Player 1 invites some friends to see this build.
    Player 1 or "friend" invites the wrong person to see this build.
    This "wrong" person sells coords or invites other friends to come with lots of gifts (lava, tnt, etc)
    Build is griefed and destroyed shortly there after.
    You are left angry and wondering what is wrong with the world and people in it. Don't they appreciate all your hard work? The experienced players will say, "we told you so."

    This will leave you thinking i'm pissed and i want everyone to hear my whining. You then make a fool of yourself on public chat and get banned shortly after.

    Staff will never put any sort of protection on your build, or else they would have to do so for everyone. Which would completely change the dynamics of the server.

    Only option. Make your creation. Post pics on the forum for us to ooh and aah. Take pleasure at the positive comments and take into consideration the negative. You can find these under Show and Tell threads.

  4. @mithraculus I'm a reader of the future. So i'll let you in on what i see in the near future of this idea.

    Player 1 makes a beautiful and time consuming build. And decides they wish to show others.
    Player 1 invites some friends to see this build.
    Player 1 or "friend" invites the wrong person to see this build.
    This "wrong" person sells coords or invites other friends to come with lots of gifts (lava, tnt, etc)
    Build is griefed and destroyed shortly there after.
    You are left angry and wondering what is wrong with the world and people in it. Don't they appreciate all your hard work? The experienced players will say, "we told you so."

    This will leave you thinking i'm pissed and i want everyone to hear my whining. You then make a fool of yourself on public chat and get banned shortly after.

    Staff will never put any sort of protection on your build, or else they would have to do so for everyone. Which would completely change the dynamics of the server.

    Only option. Make your creation. Post pics on the forum for us to ooh and aah. Take pleasure at the positive comments and take into consideration the negative. You can find these under Show and Tell threads.

    Best advice you will get!

  5. @Grinning_Bobcat Seeing the grey palace I've been thinking maybe I could contribute a decent to somewhat good monument to the server some where and make the coords public so people would visit, and yes I see the many problems with that and do acknowledge it but I'd still like to see what would happen if I did although I don't think it'd last long considering griefers and builds don't exactly mix, still I'd like the community approval and see what you all think, if and when this topic goes away you guys can share cool builds or snapshots of your base that you've found or made, I go exploring all the time and find awesome looking things half build or griefed but I never bother to take a snapshot which I should do more often. anyways enough from me and let the conversation start

    JUST... DO IT!

    Yesterday you said tomorrow!

    Don't let your dreams be memes... so just... DO IT!

  6. @mithraculus I already know this but it's still a thought because it's different very different to see the magnitudeof something in person than through pictures. If anything I'd make a skeletal remain of something in the desert out of like idk smooth stone or something.

  7. @_Haxington_ let's be realistic and lower the standards, something nice but not time consuming and too elaborate

  8. the pics of ruins though would be cool to have people share, I'll share mine when i get back on my laptop

  9. IMO a full on video tour is better than a few picures

  10. @TheForgotten20 IMO a full on video tour is better than a few picures

    i feel like that would show the size much better than a few pictures

  11. this might work if you made a huge lava cast mountain or something like that. Usually they're only griefed by being lava casted more which only makes them bigger. Huge cobble monsters are hard to grief, you'd need a ton of tnt to even make a scratch and it would only add to the abandoned look. The ruins could be in cased in a cobble tomb, making finding them more of a challenge. It's just that if you make something really pretty, it's going to get rekt

  12. @CovertRaw yeah true if anything I'd make a false volcano biome with cobble flats and lava spots and give those coords away or something. Griefers are just an obstacle not a problem stopping builders from creating

  13. fuck it I'm building a pixel art and giving coords

  14. Gl with that

  15. Bad idea.

  16. free wool peeps

  17. @Tweakerzoid I know. I just want to create in survival on multiplayer without being a wuss about it. if people destroy it oh well what can be done. I give myself some fun and stress and I'll let the griefers have some fun and stress you'll see :)

  18. @Grinning_Bobcat @Tweakerzoid I know. I just want to create in survival on multiplayer without being a wuss about it. if people destroy it oh well what can be done. I give myself some fun and stress and I'll let the griefers have some fun and stress you'll see :)

    Go for it! ;) Give them hell!

  19. gonna trap the area to make it extra fun?

  20. @ardoasms and some more :D

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