Elytra auction on Wedensday

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Dannysharks

    I am selling an elytra, auction style :D Just in case:


    Annnd what they look like (Although if you dont know what they are, i dont know why youre here..)



    In short:
    Elytra auction
    Starting bid hasnt been decided yet xD
    Holding it on the 1.8 server on Wednesday the 16th of March at 8:00 pm gmt 0 (UK time or whatever)

    In long:
    As everyone knows I have a good few elytras XD so I'm going to sell at least one, maybe two but I'm undecided. I'm doing an auction because of its demand and I'd feel bad for selling it to certain people (also I might get more outa this XD) sooo I've set the starting bid between 15-20 diamonds ^-^ I'll be holding it on the 1.8 server to avoid blowing up 1.9 chat XD it'll be at 8 pm my time, GMT 0, UK time whatever XD and on Wednesday ^-^ You're welcome to message me, either in chat or through the forums, about prices but I have no plans to sell it until Wednesday. I was gonna build an auction house but the amount of tnt I would need to feel safe is too much so it'll be in spawn XD
    This may actually be fun.. ^-^

    To clarify:
    The auction is being held in 1.8, but anything traded is all in 1.9 xD Its only on 1.8 because i dont want to spam 1.9 chat

  2. 10 DB

  3. D: sure people, dont look at my post xD not like i want any idea of numbers! ^~^ Welllll id like some idea, if people could message me or something xD

  4. They're things that make you fly while you're falling down a mountain. :P

  5. Shameless bump

  6. Danny do you want my diamonds or do you want my diamonds?
    btw we have same haircuts

  7. Reminder that im holding it wedensday xD yes this is a bump ffs

  8. I'll offer 45 diamonds.

  9. @Dannysharks D: sure people, dont look at my post xD not like i want any idea of numbers! ^~^ Welllll id like some idea, if people could message me or something xD

    What time is this happening?

    ..... jk, i read the post. I should be there.

  10. Its today ^~^ in little over 3 hours!

  11. Hmm, so 4 pm est, i counted 3pm

  12. looked it up, i am wrong. 4pm EST

  13. Well, in 3 hours. 15 mins xD thats when its 8 here

  14. Congrats to jdakandeek ^-^ The proud owner of an Elyta!

  15. ty!!

    Ill be waiting for the next auction lol

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