The Yellow One Mystery

  1. 8 years ago

    I was calling bullcrap about this Yellow One Crap. Then I went out searching for the shrines. I found one. In the middle of no where. I found a flower saying "The Harvest is Done" So who made it?

  2. Took this a while back:


    Don't remember who it was exactly, but someone's name was on a sign in the middle of the shrine. You can go there probably and find out who was behind it, or at least who built that shrine. It's possible they started this whole thing.

  3. The shrine I found was not any way like that. It was much different. -image-

  4. That's actually somewhat terrifyingly creepy.

  5. The flower read "The Harvest is Done" I was going to grief it but then I saw what it was and I decided to leave it for others to find. Left the flower to.

  6. 7 years ago

    I believe the shrines are at regular intervals along the x/y coordinates.

  7. Oh god no its back

  8. Edited 7 years ago by _Haxington_

    Let us rejoice for the Yellow has returned!

  9. I will go and search for one of those shrines.

  10. Let's not.

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