Let this pour into your thoughts

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  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by iDogeTwinkie

    @R4iscool1 This is a pretty silly argument, I can't stop you ignoring facts thats your right but we don't have to tolerate your insistence that you are correct despite either facts either.
    So unless you have an actual valid complaint with evidence this thread is being locked.

    You should lock yourself in a closet. It might help your thinking or go take a walk. It's whatever.

    I'm done.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by r4iscool1

    @SharpSerac my friends and i have been through this before with "bk randy" which means "bad kid random" but they want to think that randy (which can also be someone's name) means "sexually aroused." maybe we should just ban the use of richard's name because "dick" is short for "richard" and dick is a sexual term

    Which means bad kid random according to who?
    The fact is the word can be reasonably interpreted in a negative and insulting context and therefore it is banned. The same condition does not apply to the word Richard which is a standard name.
    Your definition may differ but staff using sound judgement have decided based on available dictionary sources that the word is an insult and have therefore banned it.

  4. I've had enough of reading this. You aren't contributing anything at all and are just doing personal attacks. At first I was genuinely concerned with however you have not presented any actual evidence. I am also locking the thread due irrelevancy. You are welcome to report the staff but please come with proof and logical arguments; I myself will be glad to handle anything wrong with the staff members as I see fit just like how we admins always have.

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