1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    Thinking of fun lore for the server someone mentioned this before based of Greek mythology. I´m thinking this would be a fun
    thinking of mixing Hindu and and Middle earth stories/ ideas in there too. Here is what a got so far.

    OUTLINE: In the beginning there was Crafty and only Crafty and he existed in an empty world filled with the cold thrumming of his redstone constructs. He created and invented but he grew lonely. He wanted something to entertain him. He created players.

    Other general stuff. Admins are direct decendents of Crafty kind of like Valar for middle earth. Mods are spawn of admins so like Eru creating Sauron or like Zeus creating dionysis. Helpers are mortals turned champions by higher ups and blessed with power that surpasses the normal person. VIP´s are monk/priests and spread of the word of Crafty. History of the universe is split into Ages. Early Middle and Present as the resets are an age each. Rouge admins ala KaylaCrafter are like rouge angles in Christianity (Lucifer) or like Eru in middle earth Admins are imperfect creatures and tend to fade into oblivion a few go mad or try to usurp Crafty in some way.
    The others just have an itchy trigger or make bad puns.

  2. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  3. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    Players (Non Vip´s) are uneducated in the ways of Crafty and are usually either trying to peaceful make their way and live a comfortable life others are belligerent and get smited by the Staff.

    Crafty´s name is capitalized. Spawn is a holy city.
    good, occasionally spitefu,l omnipotent seeks the well being of all his subjects.
    Staff I need your help give me a history of the server and all the rouge admins/ amazing stories soon to become legend. I want personal back stories on all mods and up you can make you own backstory. Certain exceptions will be made for the rich and powerful normal players/helpers

  4. Many spelling errors in the very first sentence.

  5. Deleted 8 years ago by gilbertboys
  6. Lol.fail.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    Sorry about the religous refrences will delete them if needed

  8. https://forum.craftymynes.com/3658-anyone-writing-a-story/28#p43084


  9. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    what do you think folks?

  10. Vips/vip+ arent really priests, would be more of a helper thing and most of the admins are older than Crafty :P

  11. @Blackened_Dawn Vips/vip+ arent really priests, would be more of a helper thing and most of the admins are older than Crafty :P

    Donors are the knights and Nobleman. Waging war against one another with their huge supplies at their disposal.

    Just what I think about it anyways.

  12. :o pretty good m8

  13. Deleted 8 years ago by gilbertboys
  14. In Greek mythology, some of the Olympians had kids that resemble older people when the parents could look really young and youthful. For example: Hera, a fairly young and vibrant woman, and her son Hephaestus, a bearded older man. If the admins are gods in a sense, then they're immortal and age doesn't matter/exist for them, it's what they choose their physical form to look like.

  15. neato will include

  16. It awakens from its slumber of eternity
    just to see the fallen land devoured
    by the dismal, baleful terrain.

    It's ambitious acts lead it to overwhelming
    vigor and potential. With it's breath, it
    made the sky. With it's blood, it
    made the ocean. With its skin, it
    made the earth.

    With its new creation, he felt bliss.
    As a result, time passes and he falls into the
    forlorn abyss.

    Unsatisfied, he created life to roam
    the lush earth. However, it soon fell
    into disarray.

    Unsatisfied, it created Seekers.
    To help and create balance within
    the earth.

    With lack of powers in the Seekers,
    it selected few to obtain power.

    It created the Celestials.
    To keep balance and slay the
    unworthy. To see the terrain of

    Still, with impetuous acts occurring
    inside the earth, it remained doleful.

    Taken from its bones, it created the
    Seraphs. They remained powerful
    than the rest and could do anything.
    Still, it remained transcendent.

    The earth was in order but still with
    those who transgress. Those who commit
    impious acts face consequences.

    Witnessing the power of the Seekers,
    Celestials, and Seraphs, they take
    arm to reach their own power.

    They destroy the terrain and take
    its powers to craft within it's creative
    aspect. As they do so, they make
    beauty in change of the destruction
    left behind.

    It acted headlong to preserve the
    beauty of its creation. Sending
    darkness down to protect the
    earth, they aim to slay the humans
    whom try to destroy.

    With eternity passing, they
    remain the same. There is balance.
    It awakens from it's slumber and
    is blissful.

    It awakes from it slumber.
    It awakes to see the beauty
    and is overwhelmed with

  17. Edited 8 years ago by Aquafyna

    In that thing I wrote, "they" refers to us, the normal players. "It" refers to CraftyMyner.
    Those who take arm and try to reach power are the VIP and the VIP+ and those who
    are wealthy and skilled.

    I was bored.

  18. Beautiful

  19. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    I don't want it to have a mystical qaulity to it as much as you guys put it on. And also all staff members, players or rouge staff will be mentioned directly. I want the lore to sound. . . . Tangible like it really happened not in some fantasy universe but in minecraft.

  20. @gilbertboys I don't want it to have a mystical qaulity to it as much as you guys put it on. And also all staff members, players or rouge staff will be mentioned directly. I want the lore to sound. . . . Tangible like it really happened not in some fantasy universe but in minecraft.

    Maybe the actual history? Taking into account any events that happened, widely known factions, big offenses etc etc.

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