I Purpose a Question

  1. 8 years ago

    What is it that makes us happy? Well then we should then look at the definition of happy, only one definition endures in our society. it is the absence of discomfort and a state that presents pleasure and comfort. With this in mind, how many here are happy with their actual lives? What is it that generates your happiness? Is it achievement, relationships, or perhaps, our meaning the motivation that erects us from our bed and drives us through the day. Yet, you might feel alone, angry, sad, or you just lose your solidarity, you think you are insignificant and truly don't matter.
    Yet, when you do those things that generates your happiness these feelings still return in time allowing you to feel something that is not happiness. So I ask with this unending cycle, what is Happiness and what makes you truly happy?

  2. "Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are the quartet responsible for your happiness." We're just animals with pretty good brains, and chemicals used to trigger our brains in certain ways to help us survive. Now that surviving is easier than dying (thanks to society), we have to think of strange ways to trigger happiness.

    And thus people discuss what triggers certain chemicals to flow to their brain.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @Derndeff "Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins are the quartet responsible for your happiness." We're just animals with pretty good brains, and chemicals used to trigger our brains in certain ways to help us survive. Now that surviving is easier than dying (thanks to society), we have to think of strange ways to trigger happiness.

    And thus people discuss what triggers certain chemicals to flow to their brain.

    The behavior we posses that is towards things that we believe are beneficial. So the smell of Grandma Ω's pies are tasty and good so you eat it abd your brain shoots out chemicaks that translate to " Ooo this was good. Would do again!!!" But you also build up a tolerance if you do it over and over so if you ate those pies for a while you would feel lethargic and nasty due to the lack of nutrients. Your brain then shoots out chemicals saying "yeesh too much, won't do again in a while." So on and so on.

    Now relationships and interactions are different. Instead of "would do again" it would be "would be with again, would like to talk to again, wouldn't trust again" etc. But since people aren't objects and have their own brains doing thr same things it turns into a web of shifting likes and dislikes as people build up tolerances and so on. At least that's how i think it works

  4. Science FTW!

  5. but in all seriousness tho, "Happines", just lik all other feelings are "tools" we use to survive. if you eat something with a lot of energy, something very important to survive, you'l be "Happy" because of chemicals in the brain. if something makes you "happy" you'l do it again, because being "happy" makes us happy. if that makes any sense.

  6. Then they are some people on this planet who have figured it all out. They can get instant chemicals to their brains and get instant happiness.
    They use drugs.

    The only problem is that your brain will adapt to these chemicals and they lose their effect.
    So they up the concentration.

    Eventually, however, you reach a point where it takes more concentration to produce happiness than it does to kill you.

    @GrinningBobcat So the smell of Grandma Ω's pies are tasty and good so you eat it...

    I too love the smell of grandma's sweet omega's.

  7. Shhhhh its a shop that i bought apples from one time
    that's link is here

  8. Okay, thanks for clarifying lol

  9. @Derndeff Okay, thanks for clarifying lol

    Lol grandma's tasty omegas

  10. So you suggest that chemicals are the catalyst. They are the thing that generate happiness. Well then my question then becomes, if we are nothing but chemicals then what is the purpose of the soul?

  11. A "soul" is just a side-effect that was created when evolution began favoring intelligence. Rather than simply reacting directly to inputs received, animals analyze their inputs and make a decision to form their outputs. That analysis is what we perceive as consciousness.

    Imo, there isn't really a "purpose," it's just the only way thoughts and decisions can be carried out. For some reason, as brains became more complex, emotions and feelings formed to change the path of decision-making to benefit the animal and produce more offspring.

    Everything is different now for humans, of course, because we became intelligent enough to form a society that GREATLY benefits the human species. Now we have no evolutionary purpose for emotions and feelings in most cases.

    We're intelligent enough as humans to understand what emotions "are," and we're confused by this.
    Something like a dog, however, does not care about "why" and "how," and just knows that it feels good to do certain things, and it feels bad to do other things, and changes its decision-making accordingly.

  12. I see life as an abstract piece of art. You see what you want in it. Doesn't matter if its how it was meant to be viewed because it is abstract

  13. thread moved to off topic

  14. Also d00d propose is spelled like this. Not purpose

  15. Maybe he's giving a question purpose, lol.
    I'm purposing this stick as a poking device.
    I'm purposing my fingers to type right now.

    The possibilities are endless...

  16. Its to make you question my motives. lol Purpose can show my intent to find the core of your happiness. lol

  17. We got two parts in this world, soul and body. our true selves is our soul not our body, body is just a temporary vessel. and yea many feelings come out of your body not your soul, dats called *Desires*, happiness may be chemical stuff in the brain, but for someone who doesnt have control over his soul,witch is like an animal (PPL who dont have control on their soul can be called *animals*), but the ppl who seperate their souls its different, how it comes dat someone is always happy, even in the worst moments? yea many things is impossilbe to understand for west ppl, witch is not good, i know if i tell you many things about these stuff you wont believe and understand witch is something dat your culture lacks. but truly, how it comes ppl ignore their desires and are always happy, and they even suffer themselves to help others and get close to God? and even they die for it, witch is something dat probably your brain refuse to do, and will prevent you from doing it.

  18. @Abbasilol how it comes dat someone is always happy, even in the worst moments?

    Can you provide an example of that please?
    I am sure some people can find happiness even when they are facing sad moments but they are not just happy for no reason, everything has a cause, therefore their happiness also has to have a cause.

  19. Yes, this is completely different from the way I think, and that's just fine. I've found it much easier and much more useful for myself to understand everything in life as scientific and not supernatural.

    However, I will disagree with you on this point:

    @Abbasilol but for someone who doesnt have control over his soul,witch is like an animal (PPL who dont have control on their soul can be called *animals*),

    I strongly believe that some animals (not necessarily all) have some form of "soul" or control (consciousness). I think that consciousness isn't on or off. It's variable, you can have a "percentage" of consciousness, and this can be thought of when you think of awake and asleep. When humans are fully asleep, we are not conscious. We have no way of remembering anything, except for the occasional dream that is stored into temporary memory (and long-term memory if you choose after you wake up). When we are extremely tired, we cannot remember everything that we did, but we KNOW we were making decisions. The issue is that or memories are not stored in the long-term, and we have no recollection. We were not fully conscious, and we never will be 100% conscious when we are awake, because we cannot store 100% of our memories into long-term.

    With this being said, I believe ANY animal that is capable of storing at least a small percentage of their memories into long-term memory can be deemed as "conscious" or can be said to have a "soul."

    I know for a fact that my dog can store some of his memories into long-term storage because he KNOWS what it means, or knows what emotions are about to hit when I tell him "You need a bath." When I open a drawer that contains his brushes, he sniffs the drawer and runs to the door, and once outside, he runs to the spot where I always brush him out. He knows which cat at our house teases him, and attempts to chase her down, he has learned that I often fake-throw his ball and will double-check I have thrown it before running.
    Basically put, any animal that is capable of learning by looking back at their long-term memories has at least some consciousness.

    You could also argue that animals that only use short-term memory are also conscious, but there is no evidence of this.
    For instance, you don't remember anything from you being a baby because nothing was thrown into long-term memory. Therefore, you don't have any evidence that you were "conscious" before your first memory, and may as well not have been.

  20. Edited 8 years ago by Derndeff

    @Abbasilol even suffer themselves to help others and get close to God? and even they die for it, witch is something dat probably your brain refuse to do, and will prevent you from doing it.

    Also, using this, my dog will often run at strangers' cars that enter our driveway. He will attempt to scare off the strangers as he thinks they are a threat, but he will put himself right in front of danger to protect us. If he is wary of something happening outside (he hears a strange car, or an odd bump), and one of us then go outside, he will not stop barking until he is assured we are safe.

    Why do dogs do this? They never get a reward, we never give him treats. There's nothing in it for him. He puts himself in front of danger and sacrifices himself to protect the humans he is emotionally attached to.

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