Anti-elytra glider trap ideas

  1. 8 years ago

    I noticed that my super-large base im building only really has one weakness in the stonghold. Flying raiders would be able to land gently on my roof avoiding all my planned traps. i have a few ideas for traps against gliders but i need more as i dont want to build a roof over my entire base. just build a trap and post the screenshot here or post a link to one you know of that could work.

  2. Don't bother theyll have your coords it's a waste of time

  3. @Rybye Don't bother theyll have your coords it's a waste of time

    still going to be fun to make

  4. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    @thegoldsmith I noticed that my super-large base im building only really has one weakness in the stonghold. Flying raiders would be able to land gently on my roof avoiding all my planned traps. i have a few ideas for traps against gliders but i need more as i dont want to build a roof over my entire base. just build a trap and post the screenshot here or post a link to one you know of that could work.

    If I learned anything from Star Wars, this is an unavoidable reality in your design. Accept it.


  5. the issue with the designs ive come up with isnt actually hitting the gliders and throwing them off course. its in not having the arrows that miss setting off the trap again and again and again

  6. Dude. Lava roof. if they are flying its not exactly the best way to land if you swoop down to drop water @thegoldsmith . No need to over think it.

  7. @GrinningBobcat Dude. Lava roof. if they are flying its not exactly the best way to land if you swoop down to drop water @thegoldsmith . No need to over think it.

    i have fancy roof planned with farm and a pool and everything i need a trap that stops them over the walls

  8. @thegoldsmith i have fancy roof planned with farm and a pool and everything i need a trap that stops them over the walls

    dense cobweb cloud around base???

  9. @GrinningBobcat dense cobweb cloud around base???

    ive tried that in my designs but it still slows the arrows so they dont hit them

  10. @thegoldsmith ive tried that in my designs but it still slows the arrows so they dont hit them

    well who says you would kill them with arrow aye? get creative.

  11. as strange as is sounds, if people have a texture with clean glass, they might run strait into a tube of glass, and cause them to fall, it would be a slight inconvenience

  12. Have you tried using slime blocks to launch potions or even mobs into the air at them?
    It's pretty impractical but it sure would be funny to see a bunch of skeletons get launched at you as you're flying along!

  13. You could find some skeletons, nametag them, and trap them on your roofs like archery guards. If there's a lot of them, anyone that comes around will get bombarded by infinite arrows that aim at the intruder wherever he goes.

  14. @Dennari43 You could find some skeletons, nametag them, and trap them on your roofs like archery guards. If there's a lot of them, anyone that comes around will get bombarded by infinite arrows that aim at the intruder wherever he goes.

    I like this one will try it

  15. @NutjobBob Have you tried using slime blocks to launch potions or even mobs into the air at them?
    It's pretty impractical but it sure would be funny to see a bunch of skeletons get launched at you as you're flying along!

    dont have enough slime and i think the potions would just break will have to test in creative got a planed design you can screenshot

  16. ok with the skeleton archer idea iron bars and slabs to contain and still allow free targeting of land and sky (except behind it where my farms, outbuildings and redstone devices will be)

  17. layered obby and lava. you can make farms in the base. with other ideas they'll still have your coords, and there aren't any traps that cant be dismantled. building it like a factions base is the best way to protect it.

  18. @LeoSushi layered obby and lava. you can make farms in the base. with other ideas they'll still have your coords, and there aren't any traps that cant be dismantled. building it like a factions base is the best way to protect it.

    want to keep my stone brick decor going

  19. A bit mean here, but you could build a large Slime Block Moving machine in the area and activate it constantly. It'll cause a lot of lag in the immediate area and that'd probably mess with Elytra people.

  20. @TheDunmerRaven Ouch, that's mean. It'd also cause lag for the rest of the server though. If you're feeling masochistic you could place a few thousand leaves around your base. Leaves are notoriously bad for fps in large amounts but won't affect the server lag.

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