Q: What's your view of life?
Be the best of who you can be. Be kind to others. Set an example to those around you. Strive for the best in life, but laugh along the way. Our end goal doesn't matter, it's the same for every one of us, but the journey is what counts. So it doesn't matter if you accomplish all your dreams, or even one dream, living is striving for them and enjoying it. And screw YOLO, don't use that as an excuse to do something stupid. You only get one life, yes, so have fun with it and do crazy stuff, but also keep in mind that this is your only life to do what's right, what's moral, what other people can look back and say "that's someone I can look up to" or "I wish I could be like him" and honestly mean it.
Q: What do you define as respect?
Treating someone as an equal or higher. Don't brush them off like most people do to kids or people that have differing opinions. Acknowledge them as fellow people that have a heart and soul and dream just like you and me. Don't degrade them or look down on them, but honestly believe them to be worth your time.
Q: What's a person worth? An animal? An enemy? Lover?
Money-wise is not possible. You cannot and should not set a value to a human being. Every person has potential to be great or do great things, and even if they never accomplish anything "great" in their lifetime, they are still just as valuable as any genius or scientist or noble person.
Animals, it depends on the animal honestly. Almost every animal is important to the world and we would eventually suffer severely if a certain species went extinct. Pets specifically would be of high value. Domestic dogs and cats and the like are part of the family for some people and should be treated as such.
An enemy? It depends on the enemy. If you mean a high school rival or mean kid you decided to hate, then refer back to "What's a person worth?" answer. If you mean a war causing individual that is a legitimate enemy to life in general, then that person has revoked their right to be called human at all.
Lover? What about family? What about the friends that have gone through the worst of times with you? People that have seen my bad side and still care about me are so much more important than anyone else, because the people that know the true you at the core of your being and stick around despite that, the ones in it for the long run, those are the ones that deserve your love.