Discussion thread

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    So as I'm sitting here waiting to go home bored, toying with thoughts to entertain myself I decided to entertain myself with the thoughts of others.

    So I've got questions and thoughts on life and reality and such that I'd like to talk about:

    What's your view of life?

    Are you ready for death?

    How in tune are we with our world?

    What do you define as respect?

    Can you respect an enemy?

    What's a person worth? An animal? An enemy? Lover?

    Where do you think society and humanity is going?

    These are only a few and different topics can branch from them so technically there is no "off topic thread gets locked" issue.

    But before you reply to start...

    Have respect of others opinion

    Forum and server rules still apply here keep that in mind. If you say something that's poking at one of the rules make it to your best ability not to cause controversy and have the thread locked.

    I'd like this thread to be an exchange of thoughts and opinions, not one of conflict and angry disagreement.

    You must state your biases at least once in the thread.

    (Tbh this is going to be locked on the spot I feel ;-;' )

  2. Not locked yet, so I'll answer.

    Q: Where do you think society and humanity are going?

    A: Humanity is going nowhere, just getting larger.
    Society is going nowhere, just amplifying what has happened in the past.

  3. @_Confederacy_ Not locked yet, so I'll answer.

    Q: Where do you think society and humanity are going?

    A: Humanity is going nowhere, just getting larger.
    Society is going nowhere, just amplifying what has happened in the past.

    Lol that first part. As for your answer mind explaining why @_Confederacy_ ? I'd say society is just going to keep evolving and keep trying to move away from the arbitrary which of course while cause friction. Because let's be honest wherever there is change therethere's gonna be friction.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by gilbertboys

    Life is prerry great, living in a first world country and all.
    Never will be ready for death, though an endless dreamless sleep doesn't sound too bad lol.
    I don't know pretty in tune?
    Respect is viewing as someone equal in rights and considering their opinions instead of just disregarding them as dumb.
    Sure can respect enemy.
    1 Person is worth one person.
    Animals are worth nothing
    Partner is worth 1 person.

    I think the future is going to be pretty great, we didn't need florida anyways

  5. Q: What's your view of life?

    Be the best of who you can be. Be kind to others. Set an example to those around you. Strive for the best in life, but laugh along the way. Our end goal doesn't matter, it's the same for every one of us, but the journey is what counts. So it doesn't matter if you accomplish all your dreams, or even one dream, living is striving for them and enjoying it. And screw YOLO, don't use that as an excuse to do something stupid. You only get one life, yes, so have fun with it and do crazy stuff, but also keep in mind that this is your only life to do what's right, what's moral, what other people can look back and say "that's someone I can look up to" or "I wish I could be like him" and honestly mean it.

    Q: What do you define as respect?

    Treating someone as an equal or higher. Don't brush them off like most people do to kids or people that have differing opinions. Acknowledge them as fellow people that have a heart and soul and dream just like you and me. Don't degrade them or look down on them, but honestly believe them to be worth your time.

    Q: What's a person worth? An animal? An enemy? Lover?

    Money-wise is not possible. You cannot and should not set a value to a human being. Every person has potential to be great or do great things, and even if they never accomplish anything "great" in their lifetime, they are still just as valuable as any genius or scientist or noble person.

    Animals, it depends on the animal honestly. Almost every animal is important to the world and we would eventually suffer severely if a certain species went extinct. Pets specifically would be of high value. Domestic dogs and cats and the like are part of the family for some people and should be treated as such.

    An enemy? It depends on the enemy. If you mean a high school rival or mean kid you decided to hate, then refer back to "What's a person worth?" answer. If you mean a war causing individual that is a legitimate enemy to life in general, then that person has revoked their right to be called human at all.

    Lover? What about family? What about the friends that have gone through the worst of times with you? People that have seen my bad side and still care about me are so much more important than anyone else, because the people that know the true you at the core of your being and stick around despite that, the ones in it for the long run, those are the ones that deserve your love.

  6. @GrinningBobcat Lol that first part. As for your answer mind explaining why @_Confederacy_ ? I'd say society is just going to keep evolving and keep trying to move away from the arbitrary which of course while cause friction. Because let's be honest wherever there is change therethere's gonna be friction.

    In reality everything that is of controversy today has always been here in some form and will always be here.

    As society becomes larger, more complex, and more sophisticated these issues have only became more noticeable. The changes we bring will only revert in the long run, as the desire for change never stops.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    If you mean a war causing individual that is a legitimate enemy to life in general, then that person has revoked their right to be called human at all.

    This strikes me as interesting. I've said it before I believe on this forum. There's no bad people. Only those with twisted values and beliefs. Take that how you will but people aren't simple born wanting bad for the rest of us @Dennari43

  8. Your answer for the value of a person is interesting too. I never implied monetary value, and in addition people say we are technically animals so what would be the difference between hiring a hitman and hiring a hunter? Get what I'm saying? Should animals be treated equally or should we lower our status? Dunno don't take any of that serious again I say just toying with thoughts

  9. @gilbertboys but what is the significance of 1 person? Its meaningless in the giant scheme of the universe but here on earth it means something. Should we think of the universe's value when thinking of a personperson's earthly value?

  10. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @_Confederacy_ In reality everything that is of controversy today has always been here in some form and will always be here.

    As society becomes larger, more complex, and more sophisticated these issues have only became more noticeable. The changes we bring will only revert in the long run, as the desire for change never stops.

    What do you mean by the last part @_Confederacy_ ? The "The changes we bring will only revert in the long run, as the desire for change never stops" part.

  11. @GrinningBobcat What do you mean by the last part @_Confederacy_ ? The "The changes we bring will only revert in the long run, as the desire for change never stops" part.

    When society changes its opinion regarding certain ideas, these ideas become accepted as normal. When society has new leaders/people who dont have the same opinion, these leaders/people will influence society and create the change needed to suit their opinions, and the new opinions will become normal. This creates a cycle of the same ideas being accepted/revoked by the majority.

    Changes for the server:
    Changes for minecraft:
    My answers: I wish the server was more lax on the usage of caps and maybe a little harder on swearing, at least I think that would drive more people away then caps.
    For Minecraft I wouldn't mind seeing the addition of more mobs and improvements to minecarts.

  13. @GrinningBobcat This strikes me as interesting. I've said it before I believe on this forum. There's no bad people. Only those with twisted values and beliefs. Take that how you will but people aren't simple born wanting bad for the rest of us @Dennari43

    Bad is an ambiguous word. It changes meaning from person to person. What do you mean by bad people if not "people that do bad things." Wouldn't a person that shows no remorse and repeatedly does those bad things over and over again or has no regret for doing something horrific be considered, at the very least, a bad person? When a dog does something bad, do we not say "bad dog"? It's a punishment term for those that have committed an action considered bad. So by extension, a person that does something bad and doesn't feel sorry for it (just to appease your opinion because we are not inherently bad once we do one bad thing, especially if we regret and rebuke the action) would be a bad person.
    When I wrote the comment, I was thinking of a mass murdering, power-hungry individual that you cannot argue was a bad person. And I do believe I was the other person in that conversation of twisted values before this.

    @GrinningBobcat Your answer for the value of a person is interesting too. I never implied monetary value, and in addition people say we are technically animals so what would be the difference between hiring a hitman and hiring a hunter? Get what I'm saying? Should animals be treated equally or should we lower our status? Dunno don't take any of that serious again I say just toying with thoughts

    By basic scientific definition, yes we are animals. But we are also the only beings in existence that are conscious of our own thoughts and can think about existential things. We as humans are extremely unique and differ too much from animals to honestly be classified as animals. Yes we are made of muscle and blood and move around and all that, but we are so much more at the same time. I'd figure someone that believes us as just animals is not gonna have a very happy life wandering around thinking they're equal to a cow. If that sounds a little harsh it's only because I cannot wrap my mind around that low an opinion of humans. It's all very interesting stuff to wonder about, but plain and simple, humans are not, on a deeper level, equal to animals.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @_Confederacy_ When society changes its opinion regarding certain ideas, these ideas become accepted as normal. When society has new leaders/people who dont have the same opinion, these leaders/people will influence society and create the change needed to suit their opinions, and the new opinions will become normal. This creates a cycle of the same ideas being accepted/revoked by the majority.

    But don't we the people impact that as well? Leaders can't make influence over the world if they rule over no one @_Confederacy_

  15. @gilbertboys MORE QUESTIONS
    Changes for the server:
    Changes for minecraft:
    My answers: I wish the server was more lax on the usage of caps and maybe a little harder on swearing, at least I think that would drive more people away then caps.
    For Minecraft I wouldn't mind seeing the addition of more mobs and improvements to minecarts.

    @gilbertboys swearing is adult language but it's considered immature use it or don't. Caps is annoying in the Minecraft font and causes spam if people only use it for there entire sentence

  16. Edited 8 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @Dennari43 Bad is an ambiguous word. It changes meaning from person to person. What do you mean by bad people if not "people that do bad things." Wouldn't a person that shows no remorse and repeatedly does those bad things over and over again or has no regret for doing something horrific be considered, at the very least, a bad person? When a dog does something bad, do we not say "bad dog"? It's a punishment term for those that have committed an action considered bad. So by extension, a person that does something bad and doesn't feel sorry for it (just to appease your opinion because we are not inherently bad once we do one bad thing, especially if we regret and rebuke the action) would be a bad person.
    When I wrote the comment, I was thinking of a mass murdering, power-hungry individual that you cannot argue was a bad person. And I do believe I was the other person in that conversation of twisted values before this.

    By basic scientific definition, yes we are animals. But we are also the only beings in existence that are conscious of our own thoughts and can think about existential things. We as humans are extremely unique and differ too much from animals to honestly be classified as animals. Yes we are made of muscle and blood and move around and all that, but we are so much more at the same time. I'd figure someone that believes us as just animals is not gonna have a very happy life wandering around thinking they're equal to a cow. If that sounds a little harsh it's only because I cannot wrap my mind around that low an opinion of humans. It's all very interesting stuff to wonder about, but plain and simple, humans are not, on a deeper level, equal to animals.

    About your bad people part: let me get a little historical as an example by saying The European part of WW2.

    As for the animal part:

  17. [quote=59080:@GrinningBobcat]About your bad people part: let me get a little historical as an example by saying The European part of WW2.

    As for the animal part:

    A lot happened in WW2, be specific. I don't know what you're referring to exactly. If anything refuting my point earlier, refer back to the "bad is an ambiguous word" post.

    If you wanna believe you're no better than a monkey then go ahead dude. I can't convince you on anything here. I'm no expert on this stuff, just have my opinions. Recognizing oneself versus being able to understand the concept of being able to understand the concept of things and other deep thought and existential based human abilities are 2 very different things, yet people that want to believe humans are just smart animals often combine these 2 different concepts to make their arguments valid. Dogs see themselves in mirrors all the time, you don't see us running around saying we're all part dog now do you? Seeing yourself in a mirror has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

  18. @Dennari43 A lot happened in WW2, be specific. I don't know what you're referring to exactly. If anything refuting my point earlier, refer back to the "bad is an ambiguous word" post.

    If you wanna believe you're no better than a monkey then go ahead dude. I can't convince you on anything here. I'm no expert on this stuff, just have my opinions. Recognizing oneself versus being able to understand the concept of being able to understand the concept of things and other deep thought and existential based human abilities are 2 very different things, yet people that want to believe humans are just smart animals often combine these 2 different concepts to make their arguments valid. Dogs see themselves in mirrors all the time, you don't see us running around saying we're all part dog now do you? Seeing yourself in a mirror has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

    Just set aside that WW2 because I fear this thread will be locked from talking of the events.

    As for the animal discussion... The video is an experiment, meaning it's going to give results we have to interpret. If a human is capable of thought, communication, expression, memory, and recognition what's stopping animals? We can't read their thoughts so what's to say they don't wonder about their origins? What's to say they don't try and understand US, the strangers to them. When a person sees themselves and associate the image they see with themselves is that not self-consciousness? I feel you didn't bother to watch the video due to the title but this is genuine.

  19. I'm going to edit the first comment so that people have to state any potential bias they have before discussing anything.

    Example of bias: I have a christian-influenced background but I am no agnostic (Means you don't know if their is a god[s] and won't deny the possibility of there being any). I come from a lower middle class Hispanic family from Puerto Rico but a couple generations back my family's bloodline is from Spain. I am a realist that's varies in optimism meaning sometimes I've got faith in humanity and sometimes I feel like we're all doomed. I believe in the existence of evolution but as for human's origins involving evolution I won't deny the possibility of it being wrong but I still favor it since it makes sense. I have little else to say so that's it.

  20. @GrinningBobcat Just set aside that WW2 because I fear this thread will be locked from talking of the events.

    As for the animal discussion... The video is an experiment, meaning it's going to give results we have to interpret. If a human is capable of thought, communication, expression, memory, and recognition what's stopping animals? We can't read their thoughts so what's to say they don't wonder about their origins? What's to say they don't try and understand US, the strangers to them. When a person sees themselves and associate the image they see with themselves is that not self-consciousness? I feel you didn't bother to watch the video due to the title but this is genuine.

    Interpretation is also not anything factual, it's entirely opinionated. And genuine or not, it doesn't prove the point I am making. If you do a little more research that isn't directed exactly at the outcome you want and you'll see unbiased research. And there have been plenty of studies to solve whether animals can have deep thoughts. Some are to a degree aware of themselves, but there requires a higher brain function to think critically. And I don't mean instinctual or survivalistic problem solving like using rocks or twigs to open food and things like that. I mean critical thinking, deep-seated thought processes that are not evident in animal brains. There's a lot stopping animals from being higher creatures like humans. They are limited by their brains which are all underdeveloped in comparison to a human one. Or, throw science aside for a second, and just take the observation that humans are the dominant beings on the earth and despite what the "Plant of the Apes" movies told us, monkeys will never grow to our level of intelligence and be equal to us in brain capacity and power. But believe what you want, cause there will always be people out there trying to prove otherwise. So no matter how long this goes on for, there will be people backing both of our points up. Lets just leave it at that and move on, cause nothing good is going to come out of this particular discussion.

    @GrinningBobcat I'm going to edit the first comment so that people have to state any potential bias they have before discussing anything.

    Example of bias: I have a christian-influenced background but I am no agnostic (Means you don't know if their is a god[s] and won't deny the possibility of there being any). I come from a lower middle class Hispanic family from Puerto Rico but a couple generations back my family's bloodline is from Spain. I am a realist that's varies in optimism meaning sometimes I've got faith in humanity and sometimes I feel like we're all doomed. I believe in the existence of evolution but as for human's origins involving evolution I won't deny the possibility of it being wrong but I still favor it since it makes sense. I have little else to say so that's it.

    Good way to break rules if we start talking about different kinds of religions and belief systems. I advice not doing so, unless it's just a general outlook on life. And our bias shouldn't have anything to do with a thread about discussing different views of things. Everyone has a bias and pinpointing it will just allow others to brush off certain views because they don't agree with or like someone's "bias." As long as the claim is legitimate, they have no reason to announce their personal beliefs if they don't want to.

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