The Easter bunny is coming to craftymynes tomorrow! If you are lucky you might see him hopping around spawn as he is hiding his Easter eggs and gifts for you to find. Be on the lookout for him tomorrow and check back here for when he is arriving!
The Easter bunny is coming to craftymynes tomorrow! If you are lucky you might see him hopping around spawn as he is hiding his Easter eggs and gifts for you to find. Be on the lookout for him tomorrow and check back here for when he is arriving!
A little bunny told me there will be tons of Easter eggs, Fools Gold, Faberge eggs (diamonds), Bunny Money (emeralds) EB's golden carrots and a very special Easter bunny spawn egg!!
If anyone has additional items to donate to the hunt contact me I know how to get the items to the Easter Bunny.
The hunt will begin after a server restart so as to allow the most time for items to be found before item clears happen. The start should be around 7 or 8 am west coast american time. We will confirm the time for sure by later tonight. Right now this is the best guess. good luck to all!!
So you will be dropping the items?
If so, what will you be doing with the 5-minute clear?
Update the Easter bunny has informed me he jumps really high so bring ender pearls or check trade post for free ones. Eggs will be hidden within spawn limits but may be up high or down low. areas to be looked are all areas regular players can reach this includes buildings paths grave yard doors room trade post and any where within spawn accessible by all players. So look everywhere that bunny is sneaky, if your lucky you might catch a glimpse of him jumping around!
@Qluue So you will be dropping the items?
If so, what will you be doing with the 5-minute clear?
The easter bunny will do the drops not me I am just gather supplies for the bunny. A test has been done around spawn and dropped items stay until picked up or next item clear time which is usually around 45 minutes to an hour. After a server restart the bunny will begin after a bit someone will announce the hunt has begun, the bunny will continue to hide items until the bunny runs out of stuff. The bunny spawn egg will be a special challenge at the end as the last dropped item!!
The Easter bunny might hide eggs in places you cannot see. Hints will be put in chat for tough to find eggs.
Update: so far 1 egg hunt for 8 am pacific coast time is planned. possible a second 1 at 8 pm.
here is a list of items collected for the hunt:
155 glowing eggs that read Easter eggs
13 glowing Easter eggs that read you found 1
140 named eggs not enchanted named Easter eggs
70 glowing enchanted fools gold
70 golden carrots named EB's Golden carrots
46 diamonds named FABERGE Eggs
28 emeralds named Bunny Money
and 1 Easter bunny spawn egg for a special pvp chase and catch event at the end
if you want to donate anything contact me as soon as possible or if you want us to split into 2 hunts 1 day 1 night.
Update due to amount of items to hide and item clear time limits we will do 2 egg hunts 1 at 8 am and 1 at 8 pm following the nearest item clear near that time.
I hope i will be able to participate. =)
@carhadras I hope i will be able to participate. =)
we do too!
Round 1 complete, lots of fun. Cacul got the rabbit spawn egg!
in an hour the 2nd round of the egg hunt will be announced in chat so check chat for when it is starting! it will also be posted here
Well the second and final egg hunt/chase has ended.
both of these egg hunts were a player sponsored game as a way to give back to the craftymynes community.
We gave out a lot of gold blocks, gold ingots, diamonds emeralds fools gold, EB's golden carrots and tons of Easter eggs. we even gave away a few rockets and potions. 2 Easter Bunny spawn eggs and 1Notch apple
We hope you all had fun. all these items were from our own supplies and were given freely.
At the final event we did a PVP hunt that ended with giving away a notch apple and awarding a Easter bunny spawn egg. please post your comments in this thread please.
Thanks for taking the time to organize this, it was fun! ^_^
That's one slippery bunny. It was challenging to find and keep up when it was on the move. I ended up with a fair amount of loot. If I would have got one more piece I could have made a block of "Bunny Money" ;P
Thanks for entertaining us.
@TimmyBoyT That's one slippery bunny. It was challenging to find and keep up when it was on the move. I ended up with a fair amount of loot. If I would have got one more piece I could have made a block of "Bunny Money" ;P
Thanks for entertaining us.
your welcome we may do this next year if you want we found this fun too lots of loot an hope you had a great Easter!
@Jindae Thanks for taking the time to organize this, it was fun! ^_^
awesome glad you liked it!