Selling Base[Sold]

  1. 7 years ago

    Hello fellow gents and ladies of CraftyMynes! Today I will be selling you a luxuy HOUSE! (Scamming is forbidden)
    But why am I selling my teams base? We are starting fresh and building a new base.
    If you are intrested in buying this base Private Message me in either game, discord or forum.

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    Discord: terryblack11#3060 Minecraft: terryblack11 Forum: terryblack11

  2. Looks interesting I will talk with you once I get unbanned (3 days) unless it is already sold obv.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by terryblack11

    That would be fantastic

  4. Edited 7 years ago by TheForgotten20

    philosophical asshole: what if one of his teammates goes rogue and comes back and "finds ur base" by "accident"

    ahem ahem pimpcy

  5. Your sense of security is correct, but we have no intention of that, promise :)

  6. Deleted 7 years ago by BaronBattleBread
  7. please dont start false rumors

  8. Deleted 7 years ago by TheForgotten20
  9. Forgotten don't say stuff your not 100% about. I told them to give back what they stole from me or their coords would be exposed. That's all. Non elf this moved in with them bs

  10. Anyone interested in purchasing th property me know, don't listen to Forgotten

  11. Just an update: The Sale and Conversation will be removed on the 20th of June. Thank You

  12. This house is Sold. Thank you to the buyer

  13. @TheForgotten20 philosophical asshole: what if one of his teammates goes rogue and comes back and "finds ur base" by "accident"

    ahem ahem pimpcy

    U called Pimpcy Corp? What service were you not satisfied with sir

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