Red Army: Foreign Policy Reform

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by sovietsuperman

    A base is a players home first and foremost. We recognize the effort that goes into creating said home and thus The Red Army has revised their policy on Raiding/Griefing. The new policies will be divided into 3 sections covering allies, enemies, and players with no standing. Whenever a base is found Red Army will leave a sign to contact us.


    When the coords of an allied player are found, Red Army will not make any charge. We will simply inform the person that we have them and will protect their location. Being allied with us, the player can choose to receive rations like official members of RA by paying taxes though it's not required. Taxes will also contribute to Red Army prestige, the more a player pays, the more bases they will be shown and have access to.


    Enemies of the Red Army don't get nice treatment. If enemy base coords are found one of 3 things could happen:
    1) Extortion- We inform the enemy we have their coords and they have to pay biweekly to keep it safe
    2) Attack- We raid/grief the enemy with no warning what so ever.
    3) War!- We make the enemies coords public and allow the whole server to get on the action (this only happens for Extreme enemies)

    Non Standing Players

    When it comes to players who are neither allied or against Red Army, we take a kind approach. First we offer alliance, which if accepted will incline you to all the benefits of being ally. If refused the Red Army will vote on the next action which include:

    1. No consequence- we leave the players base as is, and don't bother them anymore
    2. One time fee- The player pays a one time fee of 32 emeralds and we leave to never bother them again
    3. Raid- We raid the base, but do not grief it
    4. Extortion
    5. Attack
    6. War

    Note: The decision for Non standing players will be made depending on the Red Army's option of the player at large, and the value the base presents to us

    This is the new Red Army foreign policy.

  2. A positive step forward.
    Indiscriminate punishment never turns out well.

  3. If someone refuses the alliance, your process basically allows for whatever you want, based only on "opinion"—and base value, which is even worse.

  4. @Elephant_Parade What I meant is it will be taken into account, but we mostly base our raids on the character of the owner. If the Owner of a base is kind and has a good personality we'll leave them alone. If they are rude, then you can guess what happens.

  5. 8 years ago

    Can I join team eye

  6. @thedigmaster2011 Can I join team eye

    Are they even recruiting? For that matter are they a faction in that sense or more of a group of people who raid and grief and pvp for fun?

  7. @thedigmaster2011 Can I join team eye

    Necropost. Red army isn't active from what I've heard.

  8. tsu

    15 Apr 2016 Suspended

    Team eye is NOT a part of red army @pand1024

  9. Ok sorry

  10. Red Army is on hiatus due to me being very busy irl. Team eye isn't part of Red Army. I don't deal with trolls, especially ones that still have mommy yelling at them to do their homework instead of play Minecraft.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by Flowerly

    Trolls? You are the one who gave away our base cords, Soviet.

  12. tsu

    15 Apr 2016 Suspended

    Happy Soviet isn't mooching of our skill anymore lol he was the odd man out poor guy

  13. rip

  14. sov couldnt even back up anything he said

  15. outshOtz

    15 Apr 2016 Suspended

    if their mommys didn't tell them to do homework who would?

  16. The amount of emeralds being a 1 time payment is a lot more reasonable, thank you =)

  17. I just realized I have been mis-judging soviet the whole time

  18. Well this is definitely an improvement...

  19. Revive!

  20. Lol I just now saw the reform, sounds cool, you should make non standing players pay tax to keep their base safe :) like a monthly 10 emeralds or their cords are confiscated

  21. Newer ›

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