Can i get unbanned?xd

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi my in game minecraftname is xXAreoTheBirdXx and i got pernament banned for using caps and spamming out words really fast (typing way to fast i think.) And this server was my favourite server and now i cant go into it ! I promise not to use caps nor spam so please can i get unbanned i would love to play this server again ! I will vote everyday too . I also have nothing to do so i play on this server and well..yeah i got banned so i would LOVE if you guys dont unban me (sadly) tell a guy named Respectable_Cow that i got banned ;-; (he was my homie.)

    From the dearest thank you's~ xXAreoTheBirdXx

  2. Deleted 6 years ago by PapaNeon
  3. Edited 7 years ago by The3xpertGamer

    Please follow the correct format
    btw minesy is not actually a mod, neither am I

  4. Also, anyone can post in this thread because it is a general discussion, make sure that when you re-make this that it is a ban appeal

  5. minesy

    25 Oct 2017 Suspended

    hehe xd

  6. @minesy if you try to impersonate staff again I will suspend your account.

  7. Please write a proper ban appeal using the format linked by The3xpertGamer.

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