Xmas greetings from the SC

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Sofatroll

    'ello fellow Myners!
    We really hope you had a wonderfull day with your family & beloved ones and that Santa gifted you everything your heart desires (except word-peace, maybe next year wish for world-domination or a pony instead?)
    Anyway, the Strangers Company wishes you fun and relaxed holidays.
    Spread the love!

  2. ye

  3. Edited 7 years ago by sirchristopher10

    I got a plush llama, all my dreams have come true xD

  4. so many nubs in one pic, happy christmass anyway, watever

  5. Merry Christmas

  6. What's strangers company

  7. Scum

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