Replay Mod Suggestion

  1. 4 months ago
    Edited 4 months ago by ThePhoenix

    Suggest allowing replay mod so players can record build/pvp interactions to post on youtube

  2. 3 months ago
    Edited 3 months ago by ThePhoenix

    Would also like to add the ClockGUI mod too
    just has the ingame clock to the bottom right of screen so dont have to do time? in chat constantly

  3. How do I downvote?

  4. Deleted 3 months ago by Tez1010
  5. Deleted 3 months ago by Tez1010
  6. @JackyBoy__
    You say in this thread:

    "please dont allow this mod because...." and you give sensible reasoned arguments why not

    That is a) irrelevant to this thread and b) stirring. If you continue to stir I am quite happy to suspend your forum account.

    Regards Tez

  7. To add on from what I understand Clock GUI does nothing but show the time on your screen, " time in the GUI on the screen when a clock is in the inventory." if anything its more hassle to have to carry a clock around no? Not to mention the server literally has a built-in feature "Time?" why would you want a mod to show you the time when we already have a feature which would practically make Crafty's time feature pointless.

  8. @VIP653

    I quote from what ThePhoenix said

    "Just has the ingame clock to the bottom right of screen so don't have to do time? in chat constantly"

    I actually prompted the existence of .time command years ago by a request for dawn and dusk notifications which was a useful feature I saw on another server and implemented on mine. Crafty came back with .time. However using that does get spammy and i dont like to use it. Whereas a simple dawn and dusk tells you when you can go back up from mining.

    This is a trivial mod of no harm at all.

  9. I know crafty is super busy just bumped this just incase

  10. 2 months ago

    Bump in case ya havent seen it

  11. I feel like with all these mods, CM might as well go semi vanilla lol

  12. Especially in this case, as this mod is essentially just a world downloader. Even if it was semi vanilla this should in no way ever be allowed.

  13. 8 weeks ago


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