But first... let me take a selfie

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago


    My victims! MUWAHAHAHAHA!

  3. @MasaruCyri -image-

    My victims! MUWAHAHAHAHA!

    T-T y u doin dis 2 them?!1??1!?1?!

  4. -image-

    I dont know what the heck he is looking at.. He's been like this for a while now :P


  5. -image-

    And here we found @Slattern and @CreeperLord170 gazing lovingly at each other.. look how sweet! <3

  6. Awesome!

  7. @Laineyyz -image-

    And here we found @Slattern and @CreeperLord170 gazing lovingly at each other.. look how sweet! <3

    What is love?

  8. @Laineyyz And here we found @Slattern and @CreeperLord170 gazing lovingly at each other.. look how sweet! <3

    We were both semi-afk. At least I was xD

  9. @Slattern shhhhh..... whole pic explains what was going on ;)

  10. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    And here we see @Slattern brutally murdering @Laineyyz with his scissors! And @CreeperLord170 , the strong arm of the law is just looking away...

  11. ^ Just cause I posted his loving photo with @CreeperLord170 , he killed me... T^T

  12. wtf I didn't kill you

  13. @CreeperLord170 wtf I didn't kill you

    He as in me.. not u nub

  14. @CreeperLord170 wtf I didn't kill you

    You're not in the same channel with us -_- lolol!

  15. @Sofatroll -image-
    And here we see @Slattern brutally murdering @Laineyyz with his scissors! And @CreeperLord170 , the strong arm of the law is just looking away...

    What texture pack is that?

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    Faithfull 32x32 and Mr Meepz' shaderpack
    there you go @ViciousKangaroo

  17. Edited 8 years ago by SummerRose1994

    Okay so let's make this interesting. We are going to open a prize type thing. If you manage to get a selfie with either Jessie (Jessice_boo_bear) or myself (NightShade199), you get 2 diamonds. If you manage to get both of us together since we often run around spawn together, we will give you a diamond block. It must be a selfie so we can see you're in there. We figured this would be a really fun way to sort of make a game of this. :)

  18. I LOVE all these pictures. They are all so wonderful!!! :D

  19. But when you take a selfie, your name won't show, no? It'll only show other players name right? Or am I dumb? XD

  20. Deleted 8 years ago by SummerRose1994
  21. Well forget the name part. Just make sure you're in there :P Sorry I had a blonde moment.. haha

  22. Newer ›

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