Blaze/End Rods for sale!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Id buy leather.

  3. @Captain_Mitchell i have a shit ton of leather if you want it

  4. I'll sell leather for:
    1 stack for 5 gold ingots
    5 stacks 20 gold ingots
    10 stacks for 30 gold ingots

  5. Killer for free?

  6. @Cellexya I'll sell leather for:
    1 stack for 5 gold ingots
    5 stacks 20 gold ingots
    10 stacks for 30 gold ingots

    I'm looking forward to buying few stacks

  7. Once I start getting stock up, double chests will be available for leather :D

  8. @Cellexya There will be a sale every Friday, buy 1 get half a stack free, buy 5 get 2 free, buy 10 and get 5 free

    Don't forget the sale is today!

  9. i need 1 stack :P

  10. Edited 8 years ago by OmegaSniper4eva

    Cell As soon as i get my wifi in order i need about 3 double chest fulls i can pay in iron.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by _Ami_13_

    Cell you still selling ?? I need a stack of blaze rods

  12. I am, I'll be on later tonight!

  13. Are End Rods still for sale?

  14. Yes they are :D

  15. Cell kinda random but did ur squid farm ever happened? Can really use some sacks. Thx!

  16. Are the end rod prices equal to the blaze rod or? If not I can't find those prices or I'm blind

  17. YEa if these are the end rod prices I'll get a stack later tonight

  18. Edited 8 years ago by _Ami_13_

    These are the end rod prices :

    1 stack for 2 diamond/8 emeralds/2 iron block/ 4 lapis blocks/10 gold ingots/4 cobblestone stacks
    5 stacks for 8 diamonds/4 EBs/8 iron blocks/ 16 lapis blocks/40 gold ingots/18 cobblestone stacks
    10 stacks for 2 DB/68 emeralds/14 iron blocks/ 28 lapis blocks/70 gold ingots/ 32 cobblestone stacks

    And @Cellexya cool if I'm not on just shout at me on here ahaha I check the forums often when I'm not on

  19. Edited 8 years ago by Grinning_Bobcat

    Order of 10 stax for 14 ibs woyld be appreciated. Thank you will buy again when needed

  20. @ZenithW sadly no, but I do have a squid egg.

  21. @Cellexya @ZenithW sadly no, but I do have a squid egg.

    I PM you, plz check, thx!

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