Guess The CraftyMyner

  1. 8 years ago

    Okay i came up with a kinda fun game.

    You post a series of pictures (like it'll on my 2 or 3 tbf) that hint at the name of a fellow player.

    So for example


    Danny DeVito + Shark = Dannysharks

    Get it ?? No. Oh well we're playing anyway here's the real one.


    First one to guess correctly gets the next turn good luck ;P ( you really don't need it this one is pretty easy )

  2. Whoop! Im the example xD
    (also its sofatroll)

  3. Edited 8 years ago by Dannysharks

    Next one xD

  4. jamlbon

  5. -image-


  6. Richard xD

  7. Saltyflubberfish?
    Killer, your turn, post some pictures

  8. Edited 8 years ago by iclutchHD

    Wrong . Only old players can solve this one

  9. @iclutchHD Wrong . Only old players can solve this one

    how old of a player

  10. afritz9500

  11. @Pimpcy afritz9500


  12. Edited 8 years ago by Pimple_300ping

    This game is dope

    Btw @iclutchHD you know I woulda gotten that if I saw it first


  13. 2Chill
    (I can't think of a good pic to name so someome else can post one)

  14. -image-
    This one should be pretty easy...

  15. Edited 8 years ago by Cileklim

    JaceNeedsCoffee! rofl


  16. Beedobi

  17. -image-

    This one is for ancient players.

  18. @CodyJProductions This game is dope

    Aww thanks

  19. R4, is that Frakkle?

  20. -image-

  21. Newer ›

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