Selling XP | KraftHaus Merchandise

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by bSan420

    We brought a solution for those in need to level up or even mend their gear on a fast way. Quartz ores!
    We risk our asses on the Nether so that you get to reach up to level 40 from your very own base! And you even get a bunch of free quartz for your own use!

    1 Stack = 3 Diamonds, 18 Emeralds or 25 Iron.

    Experience conversion:

    1 Stack¹   |   220xp | Level 12
    2 Stacks   |   440xp | Level 18
    3 Stacks   |   660xp | Level 22
    4 Stacks   |   880xp | Level 24
    5 Stacks   |  1100xp | Level 27
    6 Stacks²  |  1320xp | Level 30
    7 Stacks   |  1540xp | Level 31
    8 Stacks   |  1760xp | Level 33
    9 Stacks   |  2016xp | Level 35
    10 Stacks  |  2200xp | Level 36
    13 Stacks³ |  3000xp | Level 40

    PM me, Rashiik or RafixTroll on the forum or in game. I'm usually online at 9PM (UTC -3).

  2. Edited 7 years ago by bSan420
    1. Based on an XP conversion of 3.5 per ore
    2. 6 Stacks will be rounded to 400 ores.
    3. 13 Stacks will be rounded to 840 ores.
  3. Edited 7 years ago by MisterReco

    Did I miss anything? How are you supposed to get the xp?

  4. They sell you the quartz ore blocks and you mine them to get the xp.

  5. Why not coal? That stuff is common and gives XP too

  6. coal, redstone, lapis.... yeah, I'm just curious as to why quartz, as well

  7. Edited 7 years ago by mithraculus

    Probably due to the ease quartz is to find in the nether. Personally i can find stacks and stacks of quartz a whole lot quicker than coal, lapis, and redstone.

  8. Quartz drops 2 - 5 XP when mined. As much as Lapis Lazuli but more abundant. Only Diamond and Emerald ores will drop more XP than them.

  9. I think this is a cool idea. Expect my business in the future

  10. this is a pretty good idea. Handy for anyone who doesn't have a grinder or spawner to use.

  11. @OpticImpulse Here you go pal

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