Sort Members by Rank!

  1. 8 years ago

    You can now sort members by rank on the forums.

    Go to:

    Or select "Player Rank" from the order by drop down on the members page.

    - Crafty

  2. Nice job Crafty! :D

  3. Thanks!

  4. Good shit moy friend

  5. hey @CraftyMyner can my name be changed to vip now that i became one?

  6. @ghostassasin81 hey @CraftyMyner can my name be changed to vip now that i became one?


  7. @CraftyMyner If you have a moment could you change my forum name to the vip+ blue? ^_^

  8. @CraftyMyner Me too pls? if you have any free time. My names been default colored and i've been vip+ for a while now :)

  9. @CraftyMyner Yup!

    thank you crafty

  10. This is cool, well done :)

  11. Over half of the list is MIA if you think about it

  12. Thanks Crafty!

  13. Cool, thanks crafty

  14. I plan to automate forum colors very soon.

  15. @ghostassasin81 Over half of the list is MIA if you think about it

    I thought the same thing. Lots of familiar names I've wondered about. This list helps me know the more active players right now.

  16. What if I want to stay a humble white?


  17. @TheDunmerRaven What if I want to stay a humble white?


    Great work Crafty!

  18. @CraftyMyner thank you for all your hard work for this amazing server!!

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