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Who is in Team Eye?

  1. 7 years ago

    i hope they dont mind but this is all i know:
    @Shvex aka Ukufu
    they are all the active ones :P

  2. @Quartz_King i hope they dont mind but this is all i know:
    @Shvex aka Ukufu
    they are all the active ones :P

    Hey, pimpers when did you change faction?

    Also 2chill, when did you stop joking and joined them?

  3. @Quartz_King i hope they dont mind but this is all i know:
    @Shvex aka Ukufu
    they are all the active ones :P

    I dont see the_wheat_king in this

  4. @Quartz_King i hope they dont mind but this is all i know:
    @Shvex aka Ukufu
    they are all the active ones :P


  5. Shvex was in on the faction and I wanted in as well seeing apathy members rarely to never set foot on CM lands as much anymore to the point of no one knowing who they are aside from oldies.

    I missed the fun in starting and stirring shit with people and friends and drawing for my team and just hanging out. (I came to grow on a few of the members too)

    communities get boring without a spark or flame to push limits against social morals and team eye did just that for me I'll always be loyal to my old once active faction I have strong feels for and team eye has gained that as well for me
    ( now I draw fucking eyes in all my art)