1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    Needs more stonebrick.
    Also, try the idea of making like different rooms like a room nether themed, an end room, overworld, underwater temple sorta thing, etc. I think it'd look pretty cool :P

  3. That's not a bad idea.

  4. @MrStupendous Dank idea m8 I r8 8/8 no h8.

    Thanks :^)

  5. huh?

  6. @Chips_The_Gamer Needs more stonebrick.
    Also, try the idea of making like different rooms like a room nether themed, an end room, overworld, underwater temple sorta thing, etc. I think it'd look pretty cool :P

    Nice idea but its overrated-

    First picture looks great! But I think the arch in the second picture needs to be more curvy.

  7. @Cileklim Nice idea but its overrated-


  8. Deleted 8 years ago by MrStupendous
  9. Here is our brewing room!!!-image-

  10. Here is our area that is under construction.....-image-

  11. Why dont you put this in "show and tell" section

  12. is there such a section?

  13. @_Drachenzorn_ Why dont you put this in "show and tell" section


  14. Thank you

  15. Your graphics give me the nostalgia from the 2011 days :(

  16. Thank you? lol

  17. Anyone else like whats going on downstairs? -image-

  18. Alright, so now that we are getting a more solid footing, I'd like to just say that I am in this Faction. While I am not directly in charge, If I am online I can answer questions and have authority to invite people to join the faction. If I decide you are trust worthy, I can bring you to the base ( I am not overly trusting though, it definitely wont happen right away ). We are interested in honest players to build a community with, we have big plans for our future on Craftymynes. I am willing to go on adventures, mining trips, or resource gathering in the interest of helping build mutual trust. We are willing to help you out, and in return we offer our members assistance with enemy players ( We are one 'family', and will defend our own ) as well as getting good gear with great enchantments.
    If we come together, our unique skills will improve all of our games, and we can build a large city for us to all call home.
    Hope to see some more joiners soon.

  19. Well said BluePlauge

  20. New living quarters for our faction. Progress. -image-

  21. Should the railing be in the middle brick or the front brick? -image-

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