The Dawn thread.

  1. 7 years ago

    I have figured out over my last 4 months of being a member of craftymynes, that dawn is quite the character. This thread is too laugh about things dawn has said. So I shall start it off:

    On a post by mrstupendous, with a weird apology with a few too many big words, (link ) dawn just replied,

    @Blackened_Dawn Yeah, no

  2. Dude, this thread isn't a good idea! Dawn's scary

  3. Ik. I hope she likes it ^^

  4. She may be scary but at least she gets shit taken care of on the server.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by Cellexya

    "that dawn is quite the character"
    i always thought she was a little too nice and sweet .

  6. Like your profile picture in discord

  7. lmao

  8. Damn burn lol

  9. -image-

  10. -image-

  11. Dang, she's good at this...

  12. *Narrator voice* the wild Dawn boasts its glory with what it displays.

  13. Wish I could see what see said.

  14. no idea how to quote a locked thread, but Dawns latest ban rejection is my favorite :P

  15. link text

    *in Narrator voice*
    No fuck given. The beast does not pity anyone.

  16. I dont think iv ever seen dawn online

  17. if you ever do, take it as a sign to head to the jail and be ready.

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