Last Minute Madness

  1. 8 years ago


  2. -image-

  3. whoa what texture pack is that o.o

  4. The texture pack is my own creation, based loosely off of Faithful X64 with a ton of modifications done to it.

  5. that's incredible! Nice job :D

  6. @Naidae Thanks. Once our base video is uploaded, you'll able to see a lot more of it.

  7. @MizoreShirayuki looks nice :)

    Wish I was there! Although I did get rid of all my gear..

  8. Lol now youre homeless

  9. dem paintings :( little wierd d00d.

  10. Those are beautiful paintings

  11. Proud weeaboos

  12. @PapaNeon Proud weeaboos

    Viva la weebalution

  13. How did you get those paintings?

  14. @Captain_Mitchell How did you get those paintings?

    You can change the paintings in a texture pack

  15. What?

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